Cullen Number One: Rosalie

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"My car" I say as we run down stairs laughing with Nicole. She smiles and shakes her head. "No?" I ask

"You go with yours and I will go with mine" she says and I shrug. I walk into the kitchen and Greet mom. She smiles handing me my salad and I put in in my backpack. I walk to the Family room, grab my keys and walk out.

"Bye" I yell and get I to my car. I speed out off the driveway and down the road leading to Forks High school. As I enter the parking lot, I can tell that all eyes are on me but I honestly don't car. So I found a spot next to a beat up orange truck and turn off the engine.

I get out of the car and close the door. Walking into the school I spot Bella and smile. "Hey Sheila" she says parting from her friends and walking towards me.

"Hey Bella" I greet and she smiles. "Office" I say and she nods before beckoning me to follow her. I follow her  into the school.

"I heard you have a sister, is she coming here too?" Bella asks and I nod. "What's her name?" She asks

"Nicole" I reply

"Well, I can't wait to meet her" she says and stops "Office" she says and I nod in appreciation. "Welcome" she says and I knock on the door as she walks away.

"Come in" a faint voice says and I enter. I look at the lady and smile. "Sheila or Nicole?" She asks

"Sheila" I reply and she smiles. She hands me three papers and a map.

"Have this slip signed and if you want pick an after school activity" she says and I nod. I walk out of her office and look at my time table.

Advanced Math
Advanced History
Advanced Economics

And that is my schedule for the academic year. Just amazing. Not. After finding my locker, I put in my timetable and list if after school activities and backpack. Then I grab my phone and headphones.

Putting on my headphones, I scroll through my list of songs and pick out "Try" by Pink (cover by Jayesslee. I add a little more volume to block out the noise from the students.

I listen to music for a while until someone removes my headphones. "Hey" I say looking at... Nicole! "What?" I ask.

"Is this your locker?" She asks and I nod. "Sweet mine is here, next to yours" she says and I shrug putting back my headphones. Someone removes them again and I groan.

"What now" I snap and look at the person. Definitely not Nicole.

"You are leaning against my locker" The blonde says and I move. I grab my headphones from her and put them back on, but they are gone as soon as I put them on

"What's your name?" She asks

"Sheila" I say.

"Rosalie, nice to meet you" she says and I nod.

"Likewise" I say. "Headphones" I say and she looks at them. "I want them" I say and she gives them back to me.

"Hey, I heard about you from Bella, The phrase girl" she says and I tilt my head.

"Bella?" I ask

"Do I know Bella?" She asks and I nod. "Yes, she is dating my brother, well adopted brother, but brother nevertheless" she says and I ponder on it for a while.

"Phrase girl?" I ask again.

"She says it like she hates you guts. Apparently her father can't stop talking about you and she hates that fact I guess. He says you have manners and he likes that" she says. This girl reminds me of my annoying sister. Great, two Nicoles.

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