She gets the Truth

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"Where exactly are you taking?" She asks as we cross over a fallen tree.

"Here" I say and stop when I see the rest of the Family. "You want the truth, here it is" I say

Carlisle starts explaining to her about vampires, their abilities, what they ate, why we are different from every other vampire, he even told her about mates. When he finished, Sheila just stood the wide eyes, shocked, mouth hanging open, she ain't even blinking.

"Did she just go into shock?" Edward asks and that when we all go into action. Rosalie speeds to her and brings her to a rock. Alice goes to get water while we try calling her name to see if she will react.

"I got the water" Alice says and Carlisle takes it. He sprinkles a little in her face and she immediately blinks. We take steps back to give her space.

"Shei" Rosalie calls.

"Vampires are wolves natural enemies. My sister is mates to a wolf! No wonder the La Push people hate you guys. But they turned my sister against me and my mother too all because I am friends with vampires. Oh those disgusting mutts are a disgrace to the K-9 species" she says and we smile.

"Calm down Sheila" Emmett says and she looks at us.

"You know, it kind of sucks that I am on opposite teams with my little sister, but she chose mutts I choose vampires" she says and our smiles turn into full blown grins.

"I missed you so much" Rosalie says and speeds to her.

"That is going to get a little getting used to" she says and we nod. "But explain to me this, Every vampire find a mate right? Does you mate have to be vampire?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No, A vampires mate can be human too. A human younger than them By even millenniums. Most vampires find their mates as humans and they chose to either change them and be with them for eternity or drain them and kill them that exact moment" I say and she nods.

"So Bella and Edward are mates?" She asks and we nod.

"How do you live? I mean, no that's exactly what I meant. She is so and don't be offended by this, but she is just so desperate for attention. Its annoying how Jacob just fall to her feet when she asks." She says making us laugh and Edward scowl.

"Funny" he says and she beams.

"So you don't hate us?" Emmett asks

"No, just sad that it took you six months to tell me" I say. "And for making me walk all the way here in heels" she adds.

"Sorry" we say and she chuckles.

"You guys are a weird bunch" she says and we frown. "In a good way" she add quickly.

We just sat the talking until she looked at her watch and groans. We all stand up and walk back to the school while Carlisle and Esme run home. We say our goodbyes and get in our cars.



I park the car and get out. There parked next to moms car is an old truck and Nicoles car. I put on my headphones and play 'Infamous' by Mariah Carey and Jussie Smollett. I put the volume on Max and enter the house. I go into the kitchen and there stood mom and Nicole laughing.

I walk to the fridge and grab a water bottle and close it. "Huh?" I ask removing my headphones when I realise mom is talking to me.

"Did you greet our guests?" She asks.

"Who exactly are our guests?" I ask

"The guys from La Push and the council" she replies as I take a swing of my water.

"No" I say and walk out on them, but apparently they followed me.

"You talk to mom the way you want now?" Nicole asks "You Cullens seem to be a bad influence on you" she adds.

"Why? Cause they are vampires? Or is it because they are from Forks and not La Push?" I ask facing her. "You know Nicole, I never complained about your boyfriend and his friends being wolves. In fact I accepted them, but you just can't seem to come to terms with the fact that the Cullens are vampires, why is that?" I ask.

"Because they can hurt people, they kill people and they are demons " she says.

"Perfect, now if you will be on your side and I will be on mine then all will be fine" I say.

"What happened to you?" She asks

"Nothing, you are the one who changed" I say and walk up the stairs. I lock the door and grab my phone.

"Your house smells like a pig sty" Jasper says and I scream. "Shh, don't make noise, I am risking my butt here with wolves" he says and I laugh.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I ask as he sits on my giant teddy bear. "And get of that, no one sits on it" I say and he stands up.

"Really, where shall I sit then?" He asks and I point to my study chair. He speeds to it and sit. "How are coping with everything?" He asks.

"Everything as in, my sister is being a selfish little wolf girl, my mother is being an inconsiderate wolf mother and the wolves are poisoning their mind with lies about you and making them hate me?" I ask and he nods. "Not so good" I say.

"Want to talk about it, I promise I am a good listener, unlike Emmett" he says.

"I just feel misjudged you know. I mean yeah I talk to you guys and I love you guys. How does that automatically make me Hateable? And I didn't turn against the wolves because they turn into giant K-9 things that claim to protect people. I hate them because it took them less than a month to break sixteen years of sisterhood. Do you know how much that hurts? To know that I meant nothing to my sister?" I ask him.

"You mean something to her--"

"If I did mean something to her Jasper, if those sixteen years have meant anything to her at all, then it wouldn't have taken less than a month to throw it all away" I say wiping my tears. " I have been here for six months Jasper, six and I lost my sister in the first two months." I say.

"I guess she doesn't deserve your love and tears if she was able to leave you just like that. There are some people who are not worth all that" he says as he wipes my tears.

"I guess, are they still here?" I ask and he nods.

"Its getting harder to breath in your house" he says and I groan.

"You better say what you want before mom comes banging on the door" I say and he chuckles.

"Tomorrow is Saturday and I was wondering if I could show you that place I was talking about" he says.

"The hidden lake?" I ask and he nods "You know, some people will just come out and say " will you go on a date with me"" I say and he laughs. He stands up and walk to my window.

"Well its a good thing I am a vampire then. 11 am, be ready by then" he says. he takes my hands and drops down to plant a small kiss on it. "Goodnight Africa" he says and I laugh

"See you later Texas" I say waving. He jumps outs of the window and runs off. I climb under my covers after switching off the lights.


A/N: Hey
She knows the truth now and guess what, she chose vampire over sister. I guess now they are even.
And she is going on a date with Jasper. 😁

THE AFRICAN GIRLOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora