Wolves huh?

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Mom allowed Nicole to sleep at Emily's last night and I was okay with that. She said the pain subdues when she is in La Push so I have an idea. I will hate it and so will mom, but this is for Nicole.

So after taking a bath, I throw on my black bathing suit, roped Jean shorts, a white tank top and a floral outter. Angela was right for the first time ever since I ever here, the sun is out. Shocker, I know.

"Transfer Nicole" I say as I sit down and grab an apple from the basket on the dining table.

"Transfer? To where?" She asks drinking her coffee.

"La Push" I say and she shakes her head. "For Nicole mom" I say and she shakes her head again.

"Who will watch over her there?" She asks and I smile.

"The boys, Billy, Emily" I say and she sighs.

"Is it good for her? I mean La Push" mom says and I nod. "I will go to the school in Monday" she says and I beam.

"Love you mom" I say and stand up. I grab my bag, phone, car keys, shades and flats. I walk out of the house and get into my car. I drive to the first beach and get out.

"You made it" Angela says walking to me dressed in a blue bathing suit. I smile and wave walking towards her with my bag and flats in my hands.

"Hey" I say and she grabs my hand dragging me to the rest.

"She made it " she exclaims and they smile.

"Yay" Bella forces and I scoff. We sit down and talk for a while before I hear my name.

"Jacob!" I yell and run into his arms. "Hey" I say and he laughs.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming to La Push?" He asks and I shrug.

"Shei" My name echoes as a group of boys run towards us.

"Ah shit" I say before I fall as the guys tackle me in a hug. "Hello" I say laughing.

"Breath" someone mutters and I look at Jake. We laugh and stand up.

"Hey guys" Bella says from being me and I turn to face her. "You know Sheila?" She asks

"Since the day she moved here" Embry says and I smile. "What are you doing here, Thought you would be with the Cullens" Brady says.

"Edward's annoying" I say and she growls. "Nicole?" I ask and that's when their whole body language changes. "Guys?" I ask

"She is at Sam's, but we got to tell you something" Paul says and I nod. "Not now, or here" he adds and I look at the group of friends I came with.

"Sam's" I say and run to the group " Emergency, bye" I say picking up my bag and shoes before running to my car. I pull the door open and get in. Starting the engine, I put my seatbelt on and speed to Sam's place.

"Emily" I yell as she comes out of the kitchen. She smiles and hugs me. "Cole" I say and hug my little sister.

"Hey sis" she says and walks back into Jared's arms.

"Huh, Boyfriend?" I ask and she nods. "Yay you!" I exclaim and hug them both. "Happy" I say and she beams.

"I told you" Jared says and Cole grunts.

"Whatever" she says and we walk to the leaving room as the rest on the boys walking. We all sit in silence for a good five minutes before the awkwardness started suffocating me.

"Speak" I say and Sam stands. "Promise that whatever we tell you you won't run or scream" he says and I shift in Paul's arms nodding.

"The day you came fore the Bonfire, you heard about our tribes legends right" Sam begins and I nod. "Well they are all true" he says.

They tell me about how they are wolves, their enemies, leaders, and about imprinting. That's what Nicole was in pain for the week, because she couldn't be away from Jared. When the are done, I look at them before standing up and walking out of the house. I get in my car and sit there for a while trying to gather all of my thoughts.

Wolves? And people say Africa is scary. I mean yeah we have ghosts and possessed people and witch doctors and cursed people, mentally lost people roaming free in streets and a huge case of poverty and diseases but this, this whole wolf story just tops all of that. I mean we die and grow old. They morph into Wolves and age in ten years or what? Its just all too much, and my sister is tied up with all of this, I mean hey if Jared dies so does she, I think, if her is hurt she will feel the pain as well, I think. What the heck?

With 'Change you life' playing at Max I scream my lungs out and growl. "This is so wrong, cute but wrong and weird and scary and not nice! But that doesn't give you the right to just turn from your friends Sheila, they were there for you when you first moved, so who says you can't get used to this?" I try making myself feel better. "The world is full of surprises bigger than itself" I say.

I turn off the engine and get out of the car. Walking inside I take a breath to calm my running mind and join them in the leaving room.

"Scary" I say and they laugh. "Protect her" I say and he nods.

"With my life" Jared says hugging Nicole tighter.

"Show me" I say and they look at each other before nodding. Paul takes my hand and leads me outside, before letting it go and standing next to Sam.

They start undressing and we all cover our eyes. I hear bones breaking before a wet nose comes in contact with my hand. I remove my hands from my eyes and look at the wolf. "Cutie" I scream excitedly.

"They are so Cute, is this Jared or Paul?" I ask Emily.

"Well she is saying sentences so, she is happy alright" Nicole teases and I shrug biting my bottom lip.

"And that's Paul" Emily says and I beam ruffling up the wolves hair as it sits in front of me. Suddenly it stands up and walks behind a bush and I pout.

"They went to change back" Nicole says.

"I know" I say and she laughs. "Happy?" I ask

"Very" she mocks me and I playfully push her. The boys come back all dressed and we walk back inside. Suddenly I remember what I wanted to tell them.

"La Push" I says standing up. "Nicole!" I exclaim and they look at me confused. I sigh and take a breath. Say the whole sentence Sheila.

"Nicole is being transferred to La Push High" I exclaim and they sit quite for a while.

"You just spoke a whole sentence" Sam says and I huff sitting down.

"She just said Nicole is Being transferred to La Push High" Jacob says and Seth whoops.

"You convinced mom?" She asks and I nod.

"Obviously" I sass and she laughs. "Welcome" I add and she beams.

"You are the best sister ever" she says hugging me and I laugh.

"I know" I say flipping my braids making her pull back and scoff.

The rest of the day we just hangout as usual and watch TV. By the end of the day I say goodbye to them and get in my car. I drive home and say good night to mom before going to my room and going to bed.


A/N: Hey readers.
Its is 22:16 I was suppose to be sleeping but here I am trying finish a chapter for you guys. And we are writing Oshikwanyama Tomorrow! That subject is like battling a dragon! That bad!!
Anyways, so the girls know about the wolves now and Nicole is tied to them for eternity which is her life. I wonder how it will all turn out in Breaking Dawn, Wolf girl vs Vampire girl. Sister feud!!
Ha.. I am not changing this Note.. was writing exams then....😁

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