A Date With A Vampire

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I get out of the car to and run to the passenger side. I open the door for her and she gets out. I take her hand but she pulls it out of my grasp and looks back in the car.

"I am dressed appropriately for this then" she says smiling. She is in a black ripped Jean, blue long sleeved body fired Polo button up, a leather jacket and blue boots. I look at her grinning and nod.

"You look beautiful" I say and she smiles.

"Thanks, I guess" she says fiddling with her fingers. She bites her bottom lip and looks down, letting her hair cover her face. My grin downgrades to a gentle smile and I take steps towards her. Placing my index finger under her chin, she allows me to move her head upwards. She looks at me and releases her lip.

"The last time I saw this amount of brightness in your eyes was three months ago" I whisper and she closes her eyes, I can smell the tears as they well up in her eyes threatening to come out.

"I know" She says and looks down. I gently raise her head again.

"You dont have to hold back your tears Shei, it will be good if you cry" I say and she let's out a sob. This is not how I I wanted our date to begin but she has to let it out. That's the only way she will be at peace.

"But I have shed more tears than I can count in the past months than I have in the past years. I don't want to do it anymore. I just want everything back to normal" she says and drops to the ground. I sit down next to her contemplating whether to comfort her or not, but she decided for me when she placed her head on my shoulder.

"I've said this before and I will say it again. She is not worth your tears if she was able to leave alone that quick. There are people in the world that don't deserve the power to make you cry" I say and she let's out a sob again.

"I just--"

"Don't beat yourself up Shei, At some points you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live with what is happening" I say and take her hand placing my head on top of her. "Nobody should hold that much hate in their hearts. Its not good for anyone, its not good for you. To find peace and happiness you have to forgive yourself and all that have done wrong to you or else you will forever be in the dark" he says.

"You give good advice Jasper, ever thought of taking it?" She asks and I stop drawing circles on her hand.

"Its not the same" I state.

"No, but it all works the same. I know you had a terrible past, by the way you hide it or say it just sends a cold shiver down my spine, but you have to forgive yourself for all you have done, you have to forgive the person that turned you. Or you will never be happy Jas" she says.

"You have weird way of turning my own words against me" I say and she pushes me playfully making me chuckle.

"I am serious. You can't live with that amount of self-hatred. No one can" she whispers the last part placing her head back on my shoulder.

"You have no idea what I did in my past, all the lives I have taken, all the pain those people felt, the fear, the screams as I drain their blood, as I suck them dry to satisfy myself, I am a--"

"I swear if you say monster, I will stand up and walk out of your lives and into the wolves den" she says.

"But that's what I am Sheila" I say.

"No you are not, you were never a monster Jasper" she says.

"I am"

"No, the second you found out of another way you jumped to the chance of changing your life. You didn't know there was another way, Jasper you helped people survive being in that army, you helped some escape to find better lives. Jasper you are here, helping me with all of my problems, a monster wouldn't do any of that. So please don't title yourself as what you are not" she says locking our foreheads together. I open my eyes and meet her teary ones.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into my chest as I bury my head in the crook of her neck and embrace her. She wraps her arms around my neck and does the same.

"Thank you" I say and she nods. We release each other and I stand up. I offer my hand and she grasps it. I haul her into my arms and she giggles.

"So where is that beautiful area you talked about?" She asks. I grab the picnic basket and her hand. We walk through the forest in comfortable silence, just enjoying each others company.

"Here" I say and I watch as her face brightens up like that fourth of July. I set the area and invite her to sit. She takes out a strawberry and takes a bite. I watched her eat I til she threw a blueberry in my face.

"I thought you loved berries" I tease and she rolls her eyes. "What song would you request for a moment like this?" I ask and she grabs her phone.

"'Forever' by Mindless Behaviour or 'Fyling without wings' by Westlife" she says.

We sat the talking, laughing, playing til dusk. She gave me her phone and told me to take a picture as she stood. She stood close to the water and smiled. I took the picture and sat down as she joined me.

"I love it" she says grabbing her phone. "Know Lionel?" She asks

"Lionel Richie?" I ask and she nods. "Yes" I reply. She scrolls through her phone and I scoot closer to her to have a better view. She plays 'I call it love' by Lionel and looks at me. We lean in and our lips met.

I kissed her. Slowly, I took my time because there is no other place I would rather be. I kissed her but not like I was waiting for something. My hands were not under her shirt or anything like that. No. I kissed like I have forgotten any mouth that my mouth has ever touched. I kissed her with a childish delight, I laugh in her mouth, inhaled her sighs. I kissed her till she moaned. I kissed her with her face in my hands as she tangled her fingers in my hair. I pulled her closer to me. I kissed her like I wanted to take her dancing, like I wanted to spin her in the arena and look at her like she is there brightest thing I have ever seen. I kissed her like she is the first and only piece of blood I am ever going to taste. I took my time and let her enjoy the moment. I break away and look at her

"What's 2+2?" I ask



A/N: Hey guys...
I swear I have no idea what came I to my head when I wrote an ending like that. That was one hell of a first kiss for Sheila and I bet she will never forget it! 😁

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