First Boyfriend

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I stood the quiet, eyes closed, heart racing, breath hitching, mind going haywire, my index finger on my lip. I don't even know how, why or when in middle of that kiss we stood up, but we are standing forehead to forehead, chest to chest. If his eyes are closed as well, I wouldn't know, I am too caught up in my own thoughts to care right now.

"Are you going to say something?" He asks and I shake my head.

No. Yes. Maybe! I don't know, what do you say after something that mind blowing and breath killing? I can't even move.

"Come on, was it that bad?" He asks and I shake my head again. Bad? Is he insane? I know he hears my heart beating at a thousand miles per second and believe me when I say, I would have broken away if it was bad. But it wasn't, it was amazing and I promise you I will never forget that kiss. Where did he even learn to do that? Heck why would he torture my brain like that?

Yes torture, think I will have anything else on my mind besides that? Then you have high hopes in me! This is so wrong! Its wrong to be a kisser that good! Puts the rest to shame.

"Sheila" he says and I smile opening my eyes. "There we go, how are you?" He asks but I swear that smirk says he knows exactly how I feel.

"I don't know" I say and he chuckles "I am amazed, stupefied, scared that you can kiss like that" I say.

"How about loved?" He asks and I look at him properly. "I love you and I want to be the reason for everyday smiles when you walk out of that house you call a home" he says.

"You do?" I know its the dumbest question but I want to be sure that he won't just do this and walk out of my life the next second.

"I do. I know what you are feeling, I have felt your emotions since the day you came to Forks High and they are different today than they were that day. I don't want to feel your pain, guilt, anger, hatred and not be able to do anything about it. I want you to grant the permission to change those feeling which ever way I can. Grant me the permission to twist your frowns upside down" he says and I let out a teary laugh.

"And please no more crying" he says.

"Okay, A) this are tears of joy and B) this are tears of joy!" I say wiping them.

"Be my girl?" He asks and I nod. "I want an answer not a nod" he says smiling.

"Same thing Jasper" I say and he laughs.

"Come on" he pushes.

"Okay, Yes, I will be your girl" I say and he takes out his phone.

"My new ringtone" he says replaying my answer. I laugh and push him.

"Weirdo" I say

"I am your weirdo, but I prefer Jasper thank you very much" he says and I chuckle shaking my head.

"Thank you for the wonderful date" I say.

"Remember the first time we talked?" He asks

"We played 20 questions" I say and he nods.

"I said the perfect day to me would be sitting on a couch with my girl in my arms watching movies" he say and I nod. "That was just replaced, this was the perfect day" he says.

We pack up the plates and food and place them in the basket. Then we lay on our backs and look up at the night sky. He entwines our hands and brings it up his mouth to place a soft kiss on it.

A few hours later, he gets a call from Alice telling him to bring me back its almost 2 am and they want some girl time before I have to go home. He picks up the basket and I grab the blanket and we walk back to his car. He starts the engine while I put my seatbelt on.

We enter the house with me in his arms talking about my clothing style. Which is not Jasper like at all, but I guess he just wanted me in his arms.

"Took you long enough" Alice says walking up to us .

"Sorry, but he drove with his time" I say and Jasper chuckles.

"You can't blame me Alice" he says and let's me go. He plants a small kiss on my lips and walks to the guys. Alice locks our arms a d drags me upstairs.

"Well you a glowing" she says.

"That's because I am happy" I answer and she grins.

"Well then tell us everything, and don't worry, the boys are going hunting" Rosalie says as she pulls us into a room.

"Okay let's start he is my first boyfriend" I say and they smile.

"No way" Alice says. "I bet he is over the moon!" She exclaims. "Now I am really happy I can't see visions based on you" she adds.

"See surprises are more fun" Rosalie says and Alice grins. "What happened on that date, you haven't stopped smiling" she adds

"First when we got out of the car, he let me cry my pain, anger and hatred out, he let me break down and her held me, comforted me and advised me. Then we got to the hidden area and talked. He told me about the time he doubted I knew him and to be honest, I didn't, I just found out from Angela right after I ditched him to go to class" I say and we laugh together. "Don't tell him though" I say.

"I can't believe you lied about that" Rosalie says.

"I didn't lie, I just didn't state it because you guys didn't ask. Yoh but it was weird. Some cute guy just walls up to me, I never met him, I never heard about him. I froze for about a minute before I talked to him" I say.

"You are rude" Rosalie says and I laugh. "So what happened?" She asks.

"We kissed, more like he kissed me and broke my mind" I say and they laugh. "Not funny, my mind is already messed up, he just fucked it up!" I say and Alice slaps her hand over her mouth.

"I fucked up your mind" Jasper asks with a smirk.

Ah shit....


A/N: Hey guy
I got nothing to say except....

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