Birthday Plans

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Okay so we have been here for almost a month now and we fine I guess. I miss Newth and they rest of the guys but I made new friends here and they are not so bad. Plus they are as crazy as my lot back home so I guess Forks won't be all bad.

Sheila has developed this habit of saying one, two or three word sentences and I find it annoying but she is coping I guess. Mom is used to it and she know what she is saying every time. While I have to find sentences in my head to go with her words before I can respond.

Speaking of Sheila, its her birthday in three days and she is turning eighteen. Mom plans on spending New Year's Eve at La Push and I agreed with her to celebrate Sheila's birthday exactly at midnight.

That's why I am arguing with Jacob about the color of the cake. Honestly I know my sister best and blue is her favourite color. I mean her whole room is blue, from her bedroom to her walk in closet to her bathroom, her towel it blue,so is her bath robe and bath towel. So yeah I think its blue.

"Jacob the cake will be blue" I say and he let's out a frustrated sigh.

"Come on Cole why not make it different? Like orange and purple or pink" He suggests.

"Pink?" I ask calming down and looking at him like its a good idea.

"Yeah,let's make it pink" he says and I stand in front of him and look him straight in the eye.

"If I wanted to die, I would have decided to make her decorations PINK!" I  yell in his face and he steps back. "We are making it blue Jacob end of story" I say and walk out.

"Blue?" Sheila asks entering the house with Emily. Emily smiles and walks to the kitchen.

"Its nothing, how was your walk?" I ask and she smiles.

"Peaceful" she replies and I look at her.

"Peaceful?" Jacob asks voicing my thoughts.

"Yes" she replies and joins Emily in the Kitchen. I look at Jacob who looks at Sheila.

"That will seriously be hard getting used to" he says and I nod.

"She is trying. Usually until now she would be as quite as ever only speaking when she has a question or a fact to point out and that rarely happens because she is really understanding"  I say and he nods

"So shall we start planning?" Emily asks walking in the kitchen with the rest, well except Paul and Sheila.

"Where is Paul?" I ask.

"He took Sheila to the guest room. She fell asleep when Embry started talking about La Push High." Emily says laughing.

"Not Funny" Embry says. "I dont get why she fell asleep" He says and I chuckle.

"Well she has always hated school, not as much as me but yeah. She loved debate though, you know she was the president of the school Debate team back home and the school's ambassador" I say and they nod smiling.

"Okay let's get our plan on" Seth says and Leah groans. I don't get why Leah hates my big sister but has absolutely no problem with me. I mean yeah Heil told me not to worry or care and have fun but, can Leah at least hide it?

"Hey Leah, if you don't want to be here. Don't. Because we all know you utterly detest my sister, so save us the complaints and just walk out" I say and Emily looks at me shocked. Oh hehe, I never showed this side of me because I never had a reason to but well now I do.

Leah stands up and storms out of the house. We look at each other before beginning with the plans.

"Okay so we have to set everything up at Midnight on New Year, because mom plans on spending New Years Eve here and well of course Sheila would be here so we can't exactly set everything up early if we want to surprise her" I say and they nod.

"Any ideas? We have three days to do this so, think fast just not furious" I say and they laugh. Oh I love me so much!

"So you said the Decor will be blue right?" Jared asks and I nod. "So the cake should be blue" he says and I literally face palmed myself.

"You know sometimes I wonder how you guys became Sophomores" I say and Jared playfully punches me.

"Anyway" Sam says "what do we even get her?" He asks. I just shrug.

"You guys have been with her for almost a month now so you should know what to get her" I say and they groan, well all except Emily.

"You know you can't really count on that because for the past month most of her words are 'yes, no, eh and bye'" Jared says and I shrug.

"I already got her something" Emily says and I smile.

"Me too" I day and we smile.

"So did I" Paul says walking in and this literally stunned all of us. "What, I talk to her you know" he says and I look at the rest with and 'I Told You So' Face.

"What did you get her man" Seth asks and Paul sits down. "Can't tell" he says and Seth huffs.


By the end of the day the whole party is planned and budgeted. All we have to do is buy the things and by 'we' I mean mom and Emily. I will be Keeping Sheila Busy not that she can't do it herself, she has been fussing about school which is starting on the Third next year.

"Hey Shei, let's go home" I say as she walks in. She nods, grabs her bag and follows me out. We get in her car and she starts the engine. She pulls out of the driveway and down the road to Forks.

"So you had fun?" I ask

"Yes" she says and I smile. I have also noticed something, when Sheila is excited she says over five words. The day she did that Emily cooked a feast, it was kind funny when I look back at it now.

"Home" Sheila says and gets out of the car. I get out of the car as well follow her inside. Mom hugs us and asks how our day was.

"It was crazy, first I fought with Jacob, then we all sat down and hung out after Shei Fell asleep and then Shei went for a walk with Emily again, and we came home" I say and mom smiles.

"How about you Sheila? How was your day" mom asks

"Fun" she says and walks her room. Mom looks at me smiling and I beam.

"I got the list, Emily agreed to go with to do the shopping" I say and she nods.

I hand her the three papers and she gasps. "You want to buy the whole town?" She asks and I shake my head laughing.

"Mom, we are not that crazy, just half of it" I say and walk up to my room. "Night mom" I yell

"Night" I hear her yell back. I stripped out of my clothes, took a shower and threw on boyleg panties and one of Shei's oversized sweaters. I climb under the blankets and blackout as soon as my head hits the pillow.


A/N: Heeeeyyy...
Don't you just love Nicole? No okay.
I love Sheila though, I can't wait for her to begin school!!
Oh the cars up,  the one on the top is Shei's and the below is Nicole's. Their mother Has a Matte Black Hummer!!!😁

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