Cullen number two: Alice

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I walk into the school with Nicole this time talking about how much we miss La Push. Okay she is talking I am agreeing with her.

"Don't you miss Emily, Paul, Jacob?" She asks, she misses Jared way too much, even mom has noticed how she has changed. In the Past few days Nicole has been eating less and hurting more, she has bags under her eyes and she looks like she is on the verge of death, I don't get how she can still talk that much.

"Okay?" I ask and she shakes her head. "What's wrong?" I ask again.

"I have no idea" she says "Like ever since I moved here I have been having this terrible pain in my chest, it's subdues when I get to to La Push, but if I am not the for a really long time it's get harder to live with. Its killing me" she says and I look at her worried. That explanation just worried the hell out of me.

"Cause?" I ask and she shrugs indicating she has no idea. "Hospital" I say and she shakes her head before stalking off. I sigh shaking my head and take out my phone.

"Everything fine?" A voice says and I look up to see Rosalie. I shake my head. "Oh, what's wrong?" She asks.

"Nicole's sick" I reply and she pats my shoulder. In the past week every time I come into physical contact with Rosalie, she is cold. But I never asked about it nor complained.

"I'm sure she will be fine" she says and I nod smiling. Someone calls her name and she looks ahead while I scroll through my contact list.

"Alice is calling" she says and I nod. "Bye Sheila" she adds and I wave goodbye.

I press on Emily's contact number and call. The phone rings first and she answers after the fourth ring.

"Sheila, I haven't heard from you for a week" she says and I shrug.

"Hey, school" I say and she laughs.

"Its okay, so why did you call?" She asks.

"Nicole" I say and she breaths in. "Sick" I add

"Sick?" She asks slowly.

"Chest pain" I says. "It's killing her Emily and I am scared" I say and she gasps.

"More than five words, how bad is it?" She asks

"She looks like a zombie" I say and she sighs.

"Bring her to La Push now" Emily says.

"School" I argue. "Alone" I say and she let's out a frustrated sigh.

"Sheila, bring Nicole over" she says.

"Nicole comes alone" I say and hang up. I grab my car keys and walk to our lockers.

"La Push" I say and she look at me.

"What?" She asks and I sigh. I dangle my car keys in her face and she seems to get me. "Now?" She asks

"Now" I state and she smiles hugging me. "Careful" I say handing her my car keys. She nods and literally runs  out of the school.

The bell rings and I walk to Calculus, I walk to my place and sit down facing the board. The teacher walk in and begins writing on the board. As he writes so do I. The final bell rings and the students pile into the class like a wave coming to shore.

"Activity" He says and sits down. While they are rewriting the question I am answering mine. It took me a fourth of the lesson to finish even though I started first. So I gave Angela to hand in my book with hers and I lean back.

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