Baseball turned into a chase

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Alice budges into my room smiling. I look up from my book, more of Sheila's but I borrowed it.

"There's going to be a thunderstorm today, and Sheila is here" she adds and I stand up. We walk down the stairs as she enter the living room.


I run into Jaspers arms and I smile catches me. "Whole week huh?" He asks.

"Got grounded" I say and he chuckle.

"Why did you get grounded?" Bella asks

"Um, because mom hates vampires and wolves. She was angry that Nicole and her wolves lied to her about the injury and mom when she punishes, she punishes all involved" I say and they nod.

"What's with the outfits?" I ask.

"We are going to play baseball" Alice exclaims.

"Base what?" I ask.

"You don't know what Baseball is?" Emmett asks

"I didn't know an Emmett existed till this year" I reply making them laugh and Emmett huff.

"Well then you must come" Carlisle says.

"Not dressed and I don't know how to play" I say.

"You and Bella can be the umpires" Esme suggests.

"I have a better I idea. I watch, you guys play and Bella umpire's" I say and smile. "Rosalie I know you more than one outfit, come help me out" I say and she smiles. I for in her clothes, well I am a little tight in them but I fit non the less. We walk to her room and she gives me a baseball kit.

I put on the outfit and add the cap. I slip on my boots and we walk downstairs. I say I look fine by the smirk on Jasper's face. "How do I look?" I ask

"You look better in Rosalie's clothes than she does" Emmett booms and runs out of the house with Rosalie hot on his heels.

"Let's go" Alice says and I grab Jasper's bat in one hand and he entwines our hands. We get into Edwards Volvo with him and Bella. Me rushing to the passengers seat of course.

"Bella was supposed to be there" Jasper says getting in the back.

"Say who?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Edward" Bella calls when she sees me in the front. I just grin and wave at Edward when he looked at us. He comes to the car laughing and gets in.

"Get In The back Bella, we don't have all day" I say and she groans before sitting in the back with Jasper.

"That's my seat" she whines and I laugh.

"Not today it ain't" I say and she glares at me.

"She is right" Edward says starting the car and I grin.

"No, then why am I still sitting here?" I ask and he shrugs.

"We have no idea" he says in unison with Jasper. The ride was filled with me listening to music and texting Jasper, who is in the backseat. Edward parks the car and we get out.

"We have to run the rest of the way" Esme says and I look at them, they mean...

"First time for everything, babe" Jasper says. He picks me up bridal style and I bury my face in his chest when he runs. The wind suddenly stops and I am dropped to my feet. I open my eyes and look at the field.

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