I am going Home

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I walk into the school and see Angela. She sends me a smile and I wave at her. She meets me half way and pulls me in for a hug. I hug her back tight and smile.

"Welcome back Sheila" she says and I nod. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asks and I send her a smile.

"He isn't the only boy in the world Angie..." I says and she nods smiling.

"That's the spirit, now let's get to class" She cheers and drags me to along. I smile and shake my head, ignoring the tug in my heart and my aching body.


We walk into the cafeteria at lunch and sit down. Lauren sends me a smile and I send one back, Mike gives me a high five while Eric pulls me in for a hug. My friends minus Jessica are awesome. I take out a packet of berries and drop it in the center. Angela takes a blackberry and pops it into her mouth and that was the only lead they need before we all began eating.

Bella walks into the Cafeteria and sits at the Cullen table. "She is slowly killing herself" I say and Angela nods.

"She really loved him" she says and I nod.

"Guess so" I reply taking a bite of my strawberry. They continue talking about the wolves they saw and I roll my eyes when Angela said it was a bear. Bears? Yeah right, cute giant mutts is more like it. Don't blame me, I am A sucker for dogs.

Bella takes a sit next to Mike shocking both me and him and probably angering Jessica. Angela sends her a welcome back smile and I send her a nod. I then go back to my phone as Bella talks about how her dad said they were bears. After that, I diverted to Lauren and we talked about whatever we could till Bella popped up again.

"Hey guys want to go see a movie? Tonight?" She asks and we raised our eyebrows.

"What movie?" I ask. I am definitely not going, grabbing Seth and going out of town tonight, camping! I really need a break from everything Forks.

"Face punch" She says and I look at we with a really look and she nods.

"Cant make it, going out of town" Lauren says and I nod along with her.

"I am as well" I says and Bella frowns. The rest agreed though and then we went back to talking about who knows what.

"Hey where are you going?" Angela asks me after saying something to Jessica.

"Camping somewhere out of Forks" I say and she smiles. "You want to come?" I ask and she shakes her head making me frown.

"I think I caught a bug, I don't think I can even make it to the movie" she says and I send her a small smile.

"Get well soon Ang" I say and she nods smiling.

"Thank you" She says and we join the group conversation.


I walk out of the school and almost yell at Bella when she pulls me back and into a halt. I look at the girl and send her a very annoyed questioning glance.

"I have to go Bella, what do you need?" I asks and she looks at me a bit taken back. I sigh and rake my fingers through my hair. "Okay fine, Bye" I say and turn around

"Where are you going tonight?" she asks quickly making me turn around to look at her.

"Camping with Seth, why?" I ask her

"You sure you want to take Seth? he is just a kid" he says and I nod.

"What are you implying?" I ask her. she purses her lips in a straight line before sighing. "Unbelievable" I say. she is unbelievable, now I remember why I hated her in the beginning. she always jumps to conclusion.

"It's just... isn't it dangerous" she says and I roll my eyes. 

"We are not camping in Forks. We aren't prone to death" I says clicking my tongue on the top of my mouth before walking to my car. I get in and drive home. once again mom is hoe early. this is really worrying me. "Maa, why are you home this time?" I ask and she sighs.

"I keep asking for early leaves, just to come home when you do" she says and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. why would she do that?

"Why?" I ask. she looks down and I roll my eyes. So many confessions this months, its not 'Tell the truth' season. "Oh wow, this is going so well thanks for telling me mother" I say satirically when i got tired of waiting for her to say something.

"I am afraid you'd do something stupid and hurt yourself" she says and I send her the most confused look I have ever given anyone in my life. 

"I ain't Nicole or Bella why would you think that?" I ask and she shrugs. "Mothers don't shrug Maa" I says and she sends me a glare. I cross my arms under my breast and look at her waiting for her to answer me.

"I saw the way you been after that vampire left, you looked like you didn't want to live and I was just scared. I thought you might... you might try to kill yourself" She says and my whole mood drops. My hands drop from my chest and dangle as mouth goes a little ajar while my eyes widen.

"Gee Maa, thanks" I say "Maa, I may look dead and I may be dying - like seriously this void in my chest, the pain is so bad - but I won't do it myself. I just want to get away from Forks for a while" I say and she nods.

"That's why I talked to Mama and I am sending you home, You can take a two week break from school and just go back To Namibia, Stay in the house at Hochland Park and just have some time to yourself" she says and I smile.

"But my Finals" I say and smile again "Start in three weeks" I says and she nods. "Mom, thats amazing thank you, when do I leave?" I ask.

"Tonight" she says and I look at her shocked. "I already packed your bags and I put your ticket and passport in your handbag" she says and I beam. I have to talk to Seth and cancel but that does not worry me at all. I am just really excited

I am going home


A/N: I am sending her back to Africa.
Like I just want her to come visit her friends back in Africa, you know include her home a little in the book.
Just a chapter or two away from Forks, Bella, Jasper memories and all that...!

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