She says "You hurt me and I am not okay with that"

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I walk into economics and take a sit at the place Sheila and I First talked, the table we have been sitting at ever since that day and wait. I tap my finger on the tables and wait as the students pile in. Among the wave that is the rest of the class is Sheila and she looks terrible. she looks up and I send her a small smile. As soon as she sees me she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before continuing on her journey to her seat, which is next to me.

"'Hi" I greet softly as she sits down. She doesn't even look at me as she takes out her books and faces the board. I sigh and do the same. This is going to be a long period


As soon as the bell rings Sheila is already walking out the door. I get up quickly and follow her, she enters a class and I do as well. I found her standing waiting for me, with her bag on the floor as she tapped her foot.

"Sheila I am really sorry" I begin "I know what I did was wrong and selfish and completely stupid and I am really sorry for leaving you. I know I broke a lot of promises and that its probably going to take more than this apology to get you back, but I miss you, we all miss you and we all are deeply sorry" I say.

she just stood there, tapping her foot, glaring at me. The tension and awkwardness grew thicker by the minute as she just stood there, looking at me as though I was the worst mistake of her life. Finally, she stopped tapping her foot and sighs. I look at her, I know she wont forgive me just yet, but I am hoping that this is a start. Suddenly she began clapping her hands. Slowly, mockingly.

"Wow, I bet you have been practicing that ever since They told you that you are moving back. Good job, really nice speech. I am so proud." she mocks clapping her hands, but the anger in her eyes is visible "I know what I am about to say will not be what you want to hear, but I am not sorry I am saying it. I can't believe you still have the guts to approach me after what you did. You broke up with me in a letter, left without a glance to me, you know Edward actually had the balls to go see Bella, but Nah, Jasper chose to send a letter claiming 'He wont be able to handle seeing the tears I will be shedding when reading it'. News flash Jasper, I cried and not only for that night, I cried for the next two months that followed and then I broke. Look at me, I look like a walking corpse all because I had a tug in my heart, something draining the life out of me and it's because of you. I went through hell just to be with you and then you leave. Excuse being "People will notice that Carlisle isn't aging" why couldn't you write "Edward wanted us to leave because he doesn't trust me and my self-control"? why couldn't you write "Edward made us leave because of what I did to Bella"? why lie to a person that knows before it happens? I knew something bad was going to happen that day, oh I sense it and I was right." she pauses. she closes her eyes and breathes in deep before exhaling and opening her eyes "Thank you though, you know, For showing me that love is the most horrible feeling ever! Thank you for building me, thank you for being the biggest mistake of my life and thank you, thank you so much for proving my sister and her wolves right. I loved you once, I would have done anything for you because you are my mate and I loved you beyond the galaxy. Now all I want to do when I look at you is slap you, show you how I felt, But I can't because you are immortal, heartless. I wished to die before you returned. Now I wish you die before I kill you. Stay away from me Jasper. You and your family" she says picking up her bag.

"I can't do that" I say looking down, voice barely above a whisper. I looked up though and I saw the hate in her eyes and once again my heart broke.

"Yeah you can, you know why?" She asks and I shake my head, even though I knew what she was going to say. I still shook my head because I don't want to believe a word of what she said. "Because it wasn't hard for you the first time and plus this time you have the right motivation; you know I hate you" she says "You hurt me Jasper and I am not okay with that" she adds and walks out of the class. I felt the sting behind my eyes. Tears that I will never shed. So I leaned against the wall and slid down, puling my hair and anguish.

"Jasper" Edward says from the door "I am so sorry" He says and I look at him glaring.

"I know you are Edward but will that change anything? You have your mate back, the one you were trying so hard to protect, she came back to you. Mine, she loved me so much that it turned to hatred" I say looking down shaking my head.

"Jasper she will forgive you" He says and I look at him again. "I can take all the blame" he adds

"You heard her, she knows its your fault. She is hurt that I didn't fight for us" I say shaking my head. I stand up and head for the door, but he stops me and I sigh, unnecessarily. "Edward, nothing can change it. She made up her mind and I have to accept it. I just want to be alone right now, because that's how I will be forever, I should probably get used to it" I say and walk out as he lets go of my arm. I pass by the rest of my siblings who give me sympathetic looks and then glare behind me.



Once we know Jasper is out of hearing range we all growl at Edward. Same thing on our minds 'We told you'!

"I know I messed up, but I had to protect Bella" He say

"At the expense of Jasper's happiness, yeah we get it, you love her" Emmett says.

"Look, he is her mate, they will find their way back to each other" He says.

"Edward, we all know that is not true. We told you not to make him stay there, but you made him promise, you said it will be best for them to move on and out of our worlds, But when you heard that Bella died you didn't want to live anymore. You have your mate back, she was happy to be back in your arms, she wasn't hurting as much as Sheila because Bella lost nothing by choosing you, she still had her friends and they helped her take the pain away. Sheila lost everything because of us, she had no one who could help her get back to her feet, no one to pick her up. She suffered more than Bella, Edward. Yes you were protecting Bella, but you didn't think of Sheila when you made that decision" Alice says.

"I warned you. Edward if Jasper does something stupid, I will never forgive you" I say and get in my car car followed by Alice and Emmett

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