Chapter 2- You're Dead

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“Rose if I could help-”. The idiot followed me; does he not get the message?

“Just stay the hell away if you know what’s good for you! I’m going to have to leave my home, my family. I’m not even safe around people, hell I bit my own boyfriend, all because of you”. I turn my head round and stare at him making him look away.

“I’m sorry, I wanted to save you because I think I have feelings for you and I couldn’t let you die” he blurts out. “I wanted to save you Rose, can’t you see that?”

“You can’t have feelings for me; you’re an undead creature of the night-”.

“Stereotype” he mumbles.

“-You don’t get feelings, you get blood. You kill to survive-”.

“Like you humans who kill animals to survive, we’re the same thing just people. The thing about us is that we bite someone, take a sip then leave him or her lying in the street like a drunk. We’re safe creatures; we bite because we have to. We’re a dying race Rose and you are one of us” he looks at me with a stern look though there’s hurt in his eyes. He takes a step forward as I think things through.

“I’m not biting anyone, I rather starve. I won’t live with you, I’ll find my own home, you’ve killed me and you should remember that” I whisper.

“You can’t I won’t let you, you need to be taught our ways” he says and takes another step forward. I turn around and hold my head. He wraps his arms around me. I shove him backwards.

“Go away!”

No Rose, let me help. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! I stomp across the steppy stones, probably breaking them as I go. Stupid super human strength. This isn’t fair, what did I do to deserve this? Just thinking though, I said this last time I was dying. Oh wait I’m already dead.

Look I know you’re taking this hard but just come back, calm down then we’ll hunt.

Over my undead body, find your own hunting buddy. I need to find a way to block you out.  I stand behind a tree and take a breath. Can I breathe still, it felt weird? All of this is weird, vampires exist, and I’m one of them. I’m going to have to leave my family and bite people. Bite people and drink blood! Like that isn’t weird at all and normal. I’m going to have to say goodbye, I can’t stick goodbyes they’re always so sad. And Tom, I was so sure he was the one and I’m going to have to leave him, I probably was going to if we didn’t get better but that’s not the point. The point is that it’s too soon. ‘Outta my head’ starts playing in my back pocket. I pull my phone out and answer it.

“Rose where are you?” Tamara shouts into my ear.

“In the woods” I say. What am I doing here? Running away from a psycho vampire and Tammy if I failed to mention I’m an undead creature of the night too.

“What the hell happened to Tom?”

“What Tom’s hurt?” I say acting surprised. Always thought I’d be a good actor. Though in year 5 we were doing The Little Mermaid and I was Ariel, I had redish, ginger hair then. Anyway it was my turn to sing and I tripped over my fins and fell into the audience. Hospitalised for a week with a broken arm and a sprained leg. Never again.

“Yeah, he’s been bit by something, he’s in hospital. You better rush over here”. What have I done? Oh yeah Tammy, I’m the one who did this move, you remember I said I was a vampire, he was my first bloody victim.

“I’ll be right there” I say and start running. I arrive there quite quickly then remember I’m a bloody vampire with super speed. I walk in and meet Tamara standing next to reception.

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