Chapter 20- Central Park excitement

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“Ethan hi it’s the girl from the cab”.

“Miss Taylor, I’ve been waiting for your call. Not that I’ve been staring at the phone all night for you” he says. I laugh a little.

“I was wondering if you could go out today, show me New York?” I ask.

“I would love too; and it’s my day off”.

“You know if you have something to do on your day off I understand” I say, hoping I’m not ruining any plans.

“I would love to spend my day on you Miss Taylor” he says.

“Please it’s Rose” I say.

“Pick you up at the Plaza in five” he says.

“Definitely”. I slide my phone into my back pocket before pulling on my white jacket. I’m wearing a white t-shirt with black hearts on. I grab my small bag and walk downstairs. I give the reception my card before walking outside and standing on the street. People were walking past in quick pace, most in suits, holding tightly onto briefcases and bags. I forgot it was a Tuesday which meant it was a working day. A black pissatt pulls up on the curb and Ethan gets out.

“Hey gorgeous” he says and flashes a smile.

“Lush car Ethan”.

“If you think it’s nice on the outside wait till you get inside. Come on” he says and climbs back in. I open the door and climb in. the car had beige seats that were red hot. Ethan had an MP3 player hooked up to the CD player which was playing a song from Ellie Goulding.

“I love these seats” I say.

“I thought you would. So where we off to?!

“Show me New York city Ethan. Tell me everything” I say excitedly.

“Can do Rose”. We set off down the street only to hit traffic.

“So can I know a little about you Rose?” Ethan asks.

“What do you want to know?”

“Why are you in New York?”

“I had a falling out with a guy, he sort of pushed me over the edge by doing something I left. I just wanted to get away from him” I say as I look up at the sky. He’s most probably looking at the same sky too.

“Idiot” is all Ethan says. The traffic starts to move and we both go silent, both stuck on what to say now. I wonder if Liam is thinking of me. My phone has been on silent all night so even if he had called I wouldn’t have heard it. It’s probably good he hasn’t called; he should be like a gentleman and let me have some air. Does he know I’m in New York? He doesn’t even know what who I am. He doesn’t understand me, he doesn’t know when my birthday is or what’s my favourite film or celebrity or singer, he just doesn’t know. Yet he expects me to listen to him, let him teach me the ways of a vampire. Well not anymore.

Ethan pulls up by the side of a field and turns to me.

“Close your eyes” he says.


“Just do it for me” he says and pulls out a red tie from his back pocket.

“Really?” I say trying so hard to contain my excitement.

“Really” he says and ties it around my eyes. I try my best not to laugh. He then starts the car up again.

“You’re not going to kidnap me are you Ethan? I mean you could be an axe wielding homicidal maniac and I would never know” I say. “Until I take the blindfold off and find myself in a dark room, tied to the wall and see various torture instruments on a table with a light over it”.

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