Chapter 7- Telekinesis

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Finally, he’s actually let me out. Feels like I haven’t felt the air on my face in ages. I walk slowly into the woods. It’s nice to feel a little human again. Plus the speed just freaks me out still. I’m tired out, tired of this life and it’s what only been a week and a half since I changed. I miss my life, that’s what I miss. I wonder what happened during my changing, did I endanger the boys? Would they tell me if I did or say everything was normal? And why was Liam lying next to me in the bed?

 I walk slowly pass the school, standing behind the trees, keeping behind the shadows. Tom, he’s there sitting with Tamara. Least she’s looking after… oh. Hang on are they kissing? What the hell? A week and half after I died they’re dating. He is such a player, what did I ever see in him? What did I ever see in her? Traitor! They should still be hung over his dead ex and her dead bestie, but oh no. They’ve already moved on. I clench my fists, so tight that if I wasn’t human I would probably have broken my hand by now. Suddenly, Tom was thrown across the yard. Holy cheeseballs, did I just do that, no I couldn’t have done? Is he okay? I try to look around the yard for him, bad idea as I spy Tamara walking him into the school, her hand sliding down towards his butt. Bitch!

Are you okay? Yeah don’t worry Liam.

Um it’s not Liam. Niall reporting for duty. Niall! I thought me and Liam could only hear each other.

Nope, you’ve changed remember, you can hear us all now yay. Great, I’m fine.

 I walk along the street letting off steam hopefully. Dick, slut, dick, slut… okay I really need to calm down. If she had died I wouldn’t forget her like that and if she had a boyfriend I wouldn’t move in with him. What if they were having an affair, they were cheating on me? She was never my friend and he never loved me. I am so confused, I’m messing up my head.

“Excuse me?” I turn around to see, no other than Callum. Just what I need, another boy.

“Sorry, did I bump into you?” I ask. I need to pay attention to my surroundings.

“Yeah, pretty hard as well” he says as he moves his shoulder. Vampire strength.

“I’m sorry” I say. He smiles, so adorable. What am I thinking? Boys are prats.

“Nah it’s okay. How’s your taking charge thing going?” Aww he remembered. Stop it Rose, boys equal bad news take Liam for example. Bad news since the beginning.

“Haven’t really put it into motion yet. I’ve just seen my ex with my ex best friend so I’m not really bothered about anything else” I say, annoyance in my voice, calm down Rose.

“Hey, it’s okay. Do you want to get some coffee and talk? I’m on my break”.

“I couldn’t take up your 15 minutes” I say and start walking away. He grabs my arm and turns me round.

“I’d love to spend it on you” he says. I nod and follow him into the first café he finds. He sits me down and walks over to the counter.

This was interesting, now leave. Liam, I’m not leaving. Just stop talking. All went quiet in my head. Liam… Oh my, he’s actually shut up. Maybe now I can stop them talking in my head, that’s cool.

“Hey so here’s your coffee” he says and slides it towards me and sits down.

“Thank you. So what do you want to talk about?” I ask before taking a sip of my coffee.

“I don’t know. I just asked to have coffee with you in the spur of the moment”.

“Aw, that’s cute, I mean, erm what did you just say?” He giggles and takes a sip of his drink. I look out the window. “I love having the window seat. No reason I just enjoy it” I say. He chuckles again. He’s staring at me, his heart beat quickening.  I turn my head to look at him and smile.

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