Chapter 18- Making up for forgotten time

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“We’re leaving tomorrow, go pack” I say. I’ll find a secluded place and buy it then get someone to stock it up for us. I squeeze Rose’s hand, I’m surprised she’s still holding it seeing as she hates me so much. We have just come back from the mall; we chilled out at Starbucks and then went to Frankie’s and Benny’s for tea. We had cocktails. She couldn’t stop talking about Australia.

“You should be happy” I say.

“I am, it’s just I can’t help but feel bad that I’m leaving Callum again without a word” she says like she was in deep thought. That human, why does she keep bringing him up? I’m going to have to sort this out once and for all.

I kiss her forehead gently before looking into her deep blue eyes, deep like the ocean.

“He’ll survive Rose, he did last time”. She won’t have to worry for long; he’s not going to be here for very long. How can I do it? Walking off a cliff or a bridge. Walking in-front of a train, that could be messy, what about suicide, well all of these could be filed under suicide.

Rose jumps onto the table and starts swinging her legs. She’s so beautiful, so elegant. How can something so pretty hold so much anger? She does love me, there has to be room in her heart for me. With Callum out of the picture can I steal her heart forever? Forever is all we have now.

“Get packing, I’ve got something to do” I say.

“Liam” she speaks up and smiles at me.

“Yes baby girl”.

“Don’t call me that” she sticks her tongue out. I shake my head and smile before sprinting out of the house and onto the high street.

“You’re not going to kill him are you Liam?”

“Niall what are you doing?” I ask rather irritated that he has been listening and once again has followed me.

“Don’t kill him Liam” Niall says.

“I wasn’t going to, I’m just getting some air” I say.

“Yeah yeah. Where you going like?” Niall asks.

“Somewhere okay, just leave me alone Niall” I say loudly. Niall stops walking with me.

“Ever since Rose came into our life you have changed Liam. We can all see it. Just come back to us like you used to be” he says before slipping out of sight. I walk into a coffee shop and sit down, stretching my legs out underneath the table. Have I changed? I haven’t acted any different. Then again I never planned to kill someone because he was with a girl I liked. This is different. He’s stealing my girl, corrupting her. Yeah that’s what he’s doing.

You’re not fooling yourself Liam.

What Niall?

It’s not Niall doofus, I’m your conscience, and I’m telling you Callum is off limits.

You can’t tell me what to do.

You’ll feel guilty after you’ve done it. If Rose finds out it was you, she’ll kill you.

She won’t find out. Jeez, get out of my head.

“Hello sir, what would you like?”

“Just leave me alone!” I shout not realising that it was the waitress and not that stupid conscience. “Sorry, I’ll be going” I say before running out of the café and down the street. I’m going insane, what is Rose doing to me? I walk up Callum’s street, walk into his garden and knock on his door. Focus, get this over and done with.

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