Chapter 14-Swimming below

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This is stupid and boring. I can’t do anything. I hate being stuck in the basement, it’s a waste of time. I could however use my superhearing to listen in on their conversation. I heard the front door open only a little while ago. I lean against the wall and hold my ear against the wall, hoping to hear something.

“It wasn’t us” Niall protests.

“We heard you had someone new in you clan Liam”. An unfamiliar voice, who sis this guy?

“Who from? Simon! I have no new vampire, nor have I seen any. If you think I’m lying, go check my basements. That’s where I would hide someone if I needed to”. Is he mad? There’s nowhere to hide. He’s gonna get us all caught.

“No, I don’t think you would do that Liam. We’re very sorry for intruding, thank you for your hospitality but we must go now. Thank you again”. They’re gone, how did he do that?

“Simple reverse psychology. You can come up now”.

Finally. I sprint upstairs quickly and jump onto the couch.

“So who were they?”

“The high council. They sort of keep order for vampires. They’re like the Prime Ministers of the vampire world” Liam says as he sits next to me.

“Louis, can we go feed? I think I need some space out of this house. I’ve never met the high council before” Niall asks. He had a hint of fear in his voice, like he was scared of something.

“Yeah Niall, I’m rather peckish myself” Louis says before both of them sprinting out.

“We’ll go and toughen up” Harry says and nudges his head towards the door. Zayn seems to clink and follows Harry into the kitchen and most probably into the basement unless they’re going to listen.

“So are we in trouble?” I ask.

“No, until this thing is sorted out with the news we’ll just have to keep an eye out to make sure we don’t draw attention to ourselves” he says. I nod and lean my head on his shoulder.

“Do you want to watch a film?” he asks.

“Just pick anything” I sigh.

“We’re gonna be okay” he says. That was the last sentence of our conversation. Liam flicks through the TV guide till he found Jack Reacher. He put it on then leaned back, wrapping his arm around me as he went.



“What are you scared of?” I ask. What a weird question. Why did I ask that?

“What am I scared of? I’m scared of losing the boys. I’m scared of hurting someone. I scared of forever and I’m also scared of losing you”. He looks at me with his big brown eyes before kissing my gently.

I think I’m scared of losing you too.


He picks me up while still kissing me and I wrap my legs around his body. He stumbles over pushing me against the wall but it didn’t hurt. We slowly made our way up the stairs and into my room. He shuts the door before stumbling over to my bed and dropping me.

“Maybe we shouldn’t do this” I say and start biting my nails.


“I don’t know Liam, I just don’t know. You’re in the mood and I am…” I was cut off by Liam kissing me again. He pushes me against the head of the bed and stars kissing me neck.

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