Chapter 9- Fighting and Romance

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For the next couple of days I spent lying in bed staying away from the boys. I don’t trust them, neither do I feel safe with them at the minute. I’m ignoring Callum because, well I don’t have a reason I’m just ignoring him. I’ve occupied myself with the TV I had Liam install, back to back episodes of Friends and Two and a half men.

“Rose, please come out your room”. Liam again. I locked the door yesterday night and to make sure it was locked I put a chair under the handle too. I keep quiet. “Please or I’ll start singing do you want to build a snowman from Frozen”. Seriously, he’s using that. He wouldn’t would he.

“Rose, I know you’re in there. The boys are asking where you’ve gone. They say have courage and I’m trying to, I’m right out here for you just let me in”. Oh my god, he’s making his own version up. “We only have each other; it’s just you and us. What are we going to do? Do you want to bite a human?” Please no more. I pull the chair and slide it to the side and unlock the door. I pull it open and kick Liam in the back. He shouldn’t have sat there then should he?

“Ow” he complains as he rubs his back. He stands up and faces me. “Finally, you’re alive. I thought you died. There was a smell drafting round here”. I slap him again.

“That’s Niall’s room if you bother to look. He doesn’t clean-up” I say. “Now leave me alone!”

“I’ll get on at him for that. Rose it’s been 3 days and you haven’t left this room. Aren’t you staving?”

“A little but I can survive. I didn’t want to move” I say. Just then my stomach rumbles.

“Come on Rose, hunting” he says and takes my hand. He drags me downstairs and out the back door. I didn’t even get to wave to Niall or anyone. I won’t feed, he can’t make me.

“We don’t have any time for humans; it’s too early so you’re going to have to bite animals”.

“I don’t want to kill Bambi”.

“We’re not killing Bambi, we’re killing Bambi’s mother” he chuckles. That’s not even funny.

“That’s…” I sniff the air.

“Do you smell her? She’s right over there”.

“Yeah unfortunately I do” I mutter under my breath. I run silently across the ground and stand behind a tree just a little away from the deer. What am I doing?

You have to strike now Rose. NOW! Why does he have to be so bloody loud? I jump out from behind the tree and quickly jump on the deer, snapping her neck so it’s quick and she won’t move. I sit away from the body and start to cry.

“Well done Rose. Share the catch with me?” he asks.

“Go ahead I don’t want it” I mumble.

“You have to Rose, please for me”. I take a sip.

“Sure I’m not drinking much, this taste like sick” I say.

“You get used to it”.

“I’m going to be like Louis and bite humans, much easier”.

“You can’t Rose”. Again with the rules. “It’s not safe what with Simon and his group around, you just can’t” he says.

“Well I can fight my own battles you know” I say. “You can’t keep me locked up at home Liam”. I stand up and throw my hands in the air. “You can keep your stinking deer”. I kick the deer. “And you can keep your flaming rules. I don’t belong in your house and I rather be alone than have to live with your rules” I shout.

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