Chapter 10- The smell of blood

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“What the hell?” I shout. I kick Liam in the side making him fall out of bed. “Why the hell are you in my room?” He stands up quickly. Oh my god he’s naked. I hide my eyes. Where’s Louis?

“What’s wrong beautiful? Never seen a naked body”. Is he drunk or something? Who says that?

“I have if you don’t mind. I just rather not see yours” I say. He laughs a little before sitting on the bed.

“Did you not enjoy last night?” he asks. Last night… last night. What the hell happened last night? We were talking in the middle of the trees. Did we have sex last night?

“I don’t even remember last night” I say. I remember the picnic and the blood and watching the stars and him confessing about his lost love but then I don’t know.

“Oh”. He looked hurt, upset. He stands up and picks up his top from the floor. He pulls it on. “Sorry”. He walks out the room. Something must have happened do have him react like that. I stand up only to realise I’m naked. I sprint over to the wardrobe and dress as quickly as I could in my shorts and tank top. I walk slowly out my room only to hear Niall arguing with Louis. I wonder what over… I walk into the living room to find Harry standing between Louis and Niall holding the TV remote.

“Rose catch” he shouts before chucking the remote. I catch it so easily. I couldn’t even catch a basketball at school never mind a tennis ball. I’m not in the mood for this.

“Run Rose!” Harry shouts. I contemplate on whether I just give the boys the remote or run.  I dodge out the way of an advancing Niall and slide to the side as Louis tries to jump on me. I run out the house quickly only to bump into Zayn and tumble down the stairs and land on top of Zayn.

“Hey, fancy meeting you here?” I say.

“Could say the same thing, now get off” he says and pushes me to one side.

“Give me the remote Rose” Louis demanded.

“No give it to me” Niall says. I stand up and brush down my knees still holding onto the “precious” remote.

“Please” Niall begs. I take a step backward then another till I feel the water trickling over my feet. I hold the remote over the sea.

“One more step boys and I’ll drop it” I say. They both gasp like it was alive.

“Leave it be Rose”. Liam took it out my hand as he walked past me and dropped it on the sand in front of the boys. “Fight among yourselves”. He was dripping, he must have been swimming.

“We were just messing about Liam” I say as I walk in between Niall and Louis. They too were staring at Liam as he walked up to the house.

“Yeah we were having fun” Niall moans.

“Get over it. You boys need to grow up and start acting your ages”. What the hell is wrong with him?

“Somebody got out the wrong side of the bed today” Louis mumbled but made it clear enough to hear. I giggled under my breath. Niall sits on the ground in a huff and then Louis follows. I laugh and was about to walk away when Louis pulled me down. I hiss at him, baring my fangs but he just shoves me. We were all staring at the remote in the sand.

This is boring.

What are we doing Louis? Yeah Louis. What are we doing?

We are holding a protest. We won’t move, eat, drink or anything till Liam cheers up.

Well that is a stupid protest you three. Get up and grown up. Shut up Liam. I am for this protest.

Well how did I know you would do this?

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