Chapter 23- Unexpected

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“We are all gathered here today to say goodbye to Jared Taylor. No words can describe what he meant to us and how he served our country till the end. He will be missed but never forgotten. We’re all here for you Mrs Taylor. Is there any words you want to say?” the priest looks at her.

“No” she cries into a tissue. The men lower the coffin into the ground as everyone walks away slowly. Mom was trying to hold herself up and be strong when really she was breaking inside. My Auntie was comforting her as she walked away. I wish I could go to her again but Liam’s erased her mind just like he did to Tom and Tamara yet again.

“Is this what funerals are always like?”

“Hey this is my second one. First my own and now yours” I say.

“Yeah well mine is much better if you don’t mind”.

“Whatever” I wave him off.

“I’m starving”.

“Don’t look at me Jared. I only share with normal people”. I turn around and we start walking along the grass.

“So what, I’m gonna have to drink from a human. Eww”.

“I said the exact same thing when Liam told me that” I laugh.

“He’s a good guy. I approve of him” Jared says.

“We’re not dating, I hate him” I say.

“It’s not hard to see Rose. You both like each other; you can see it in your eyes”.

“I-I don’t like him” I try to prove.

“You do. Rose is in love” Jared giggles.

“You’re going to fit in with Louis and Niall, I just know it”.

“I like being hyper. I grew up to soon and now I’m not going to grow up, so let me act like a child” Jared says. “I bet I can run home faster than you”.

“You’re on” I say before we race off.

“Haha I win. Didn’t I tell you” Jared announces as he slams the door with his hand.

“My girl has come home”.

“Yeah whatever Jared, let’s go inside”.

“You just can’t admit I won”.

“Admit it and come inside”.

“Fine you won, whatever, whatever” I wave him off again as I open the door. “Boys we’re home”.

“Rose!” I hear Niall shout before I get wrapped into a hug.

“Niall!” I squeeze out.

“Liam is upstairs in your room”. Thanks Niall.

“Tell everyone I’ll see them in a second” I say before running upstairs and stopping at my door. It’s shut, why’s it shut?  Okay, just breathe, we’re gonna make up and I’m going to have to say sorry. It was his fault though. No, it was both our faults.

“Just go in will you!” Sorry Niall. Keep Jared occupied. I place my hand on the handle and open the door to find Liam lying on the bed with a rose. I walk round and sit on the bed.

“Liam, wake up” I shake his body. He pushes his lips together. I know what he wants. I lean over and kiss him on the lips only to make him wrap his arms around me and roll over so I’m on the bottom. He then sits up, still straddling me, and puts the rose up to my nose.

“It smells lovely Liam” I say before sneezing. He laughs.  

“You’re adorable. How was New York?” he asks.

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