Chapter 19- Concrete Jungles

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“Let’s go out. I’m hungry. Zayn are you up for it, Rose?” Niall asks.

“Yes, I am so hungry, feels like I haven’t eaten in ages”. I just said that. I am so scaring myself right now. I only fed on Liam two nights ago.

“Great, let’s go” Niall says and takes my hand. Me, Niall and Zayn sprint out the back door and into the woods. Niall and I stop next to a tree and sniff it.

“There” Niall points over to the rock. “A deer, go on your second bite on an animal” he says and nudges me forward rather excitedly. I walk slowly close to the deer, stepping carefully so I don’t scare it off. Another Bambi kill. Suddenly a pure smell drifts past me. Human… that perfume I’ve smelt it before… Tamara… I ditch the deer and race across the woods to the small wheat field. They’re in here. I stalk through the wheat.

 Keeping my head down.

 Her scent gets stronger and another one drifts in.


 Without even thinking, I jump up into the air and fall straight on Tom. He pushes me off him, making my hit the floor. Tamara screams loudly before running over to Tom and hugging him.

“Rose!” Tom shouts as he tries to touch me. I kick him off and move over to the corner.

“You slut, you asshole” I shout. Tom crawls over to me and tries to hug me. I slap him away.

“No don’t touch me”.

“I never thought I’d see you again. Baby, I thought you were dead”.

“I am dead you moron” I shout. He moves closer. He smells so good. I wish I could just rip him apart.

“I’m sorry Rose” he whispers. He’s so gorgeous, so amazing. I lean in slowly as does he. His warm breath on my cold skin. He touches my face with his hand. “Baby you’re so cold”.

“Comes with the package. I’m a vampire”. Urgh it sounds so clique.

“I don’t care” he whispers before smashing our lips together. So perfect, so amazing, so needed. Suddenly Tom was pulled out of my arms. I open my eyes to see Liam holding Tom off the ground by his collar.

“Put him down Liam, let him go” I shout. “You’re choking him”.

“Are you mad Rose? These people can’t know you’re alive”.

“He’s right Rose” says Niall as he appears out of nowhere.

“Well thanks for backing me up Niall” I say and look at him. “Now Liam put him down”.  Liam drops him, quite literally and walks over to me. Getting down on his knees he grabs me by my hair.

“This time I’ll fix this mess for you but next time let’s see what happens when a human knows you’re alive” he hisses. He lets go of my hair and crawls over to Tom. He grabs him by his arms making Tom scream in pain before biting him.

“No!” I scream and go to jump on Liam when Niall holds me back. “Let me go, Tom” I cry. I turn away and hide my face in Niall’s shoulders. Rain starts to pour on us and thunder rumbles through the sky.

“Liam just hurry up, do the girl and we’ll go. She doesn’t need to suffer” Niall says.

“She needs to understand what she’s done, it’s only right”. I turn to look at Tom, lying unconscious on the ground with a small red mark on his neck, then at Liam who was walking over to Tamara.

“Just stop Liam” I scream.

“Quiet!” he shouts and bites her.  I hate him, what the hell did he do this? I push over Niall and stand up. Without moving I imagine Liam flying across the sky before I sprint through the field. I swear if he touches me again I’ll rip him apart. I’m moving out, this is it!

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