Chapter 16- Powers cross

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“Will you just stop Liam? I’m sixteen, I can do what I like”.

“I forbid it Rose. You can’t see that human again”.

“Why are you always like this? He’s my friend” I protests. Why won’t this idiot see reason?

“You don’t go to your friends naked”. I scream in anger, now I’m really mad.

“I wasn’t naked. I said I wasn’t but you wouldn’t listen. You just saw Callum and saw me wrapped in covers”.

“You have to admit Liam, she’s telling the truth. You see her with someone else and you stop listening” Niall steps in.

“Oh you were there too, were you?” I question.

“Well yes. But I only wanted to see the fight that didn’t happen between Liam and Callum” Niall replies.

“I have no privacy in this house do I?”

“Well-”. I hold up my hand too Niall.

“That… was a rhetorical question. But if you were going to answer, then the correct answer is NO! And you know why the answer is no? It’s because of this asshole who thinks he can run my life. Well sorry but you can’t”. I’m heating up, he should not have gotten me angry.

“Sorry Rose” Niall mutters as he backs away from mine and Liam’s icy stare.

“It’s fine Niall. I’m going home”. Real home with mom and Jared. I start walking to the door when I get yanked back.

“Heyyy!” I yell. Liam pushes me against the wall and holds me firmly. His arm across my neck and a hand on my shoulder.

“You are not going back Rose. You don’t belong there anymore. You belong with me” he growls. “I never should have made you. I should have let you die. Stupid Liam yet again”.

“Please Liam let me go” I beg. “I won’t leave you, I won’t go home just please don’t kill me”.

“Shut up” he shouts before clenching his teeth together. He’s really scaring me now and he’s so strong.

“Liam calm down!” I hear Niall shout. He’s as pale as a ghost. “Liam please breathe!” Liam’s eyes were glowing red. I close my eyes to shield them from the brightness.




“Rose… Rose”.

“Urgh my head”. I sit up slowly. After my head stops spinning I finally open my eyes to find Zayn kneeling in front of me with one hand on my shoulder and the other on my cheek.

“Are you okay?” He sounded concerned. When has Zayn ever cared for me> I look over Zayn’s shoulder to see Louis and Niall who looked in the same shape as me.

“What… what happened?”

“We were hoping you guys could tell us. We came back from hunting to find you two unconscious on the floor”. I push off the ground and try my best to stand up.

“Woah easy there” Zayn says as he caught me. I held onto him tightly as we walk over to the couch. I sit down and close my eyes.

“Liam!” I jump up.  Niall was leaning against the wall looking rather startled.

“Finally mate. We thought you had died…again” Louis jokes.

“Very funny” Niall mutters and sticks out his tongue. Louis helps Niall up before setting him down next to me on the couch. Harry walks in from the kitchen with a cup of something red and stands in front of us with Zayn and Louis with their arms crossed. Creepy vampires!

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