Chapter 3- Gravestones

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“And we say farewell to Rose Taylor, daughter and loved friend. Would you like to say some last words Mrs Taylor, Jared?” My brother takes a step forward. He’s changed so much. Last time I saw him he used to have long shaggy hair that would instantly go in to place in the morning. No bed head for him. Now his once long hair has been cut by the army into a short cut. His eyes aged from the pain he’s seen.

“She was too young, sis I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you, I’m sorry I left you at home with mum. I-”. I look away and press my hands against my ears. I can’t do this, that’s my family, they think I’m dead, dead!

We can go if you want to. No, I can do this. Brave it out Rose. I turn back around and look back to the funeral area. Jared and mom place roses on my grave, kinda clique. The vicar says a few last words then they walk off together, mom crying into a tissue, Jared comforting her but still close to tears. Sorry big brother, I wasn’t careful enough. I look back to my grave to see Tom and Jessica staring at it in silence.

“It was that guy, he probably got her killed. How could she cheat?” he says. Hearing that gives me a pain in my undead heart. I didn’t cheat, this is all his fault.

“I’m sure it wasn’t, you could tell she didn’t like this guy, she struggled when he kissed her. I know her too well Tom, it’s not her style, to cheat I mean. Don’t worry she loved you I know she did” Tammy says and leads him away after dropping a single white rose. I long to follow them, tell them I’m alright and that everything was going to work out fine. But I couldn’t because everything isn’t going to work out fine, and I’m still going to be a vampire and they’re still going to be in danger around me.

“Come on love”. Liam slid his hand on my shoulder making me jump and flip him over by his hand, holy! I immediately crouch down to check he was alright.

“Liam I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do this. I didn’t know I could” I protest.

“Vampire senses and strengths, don’t worry I’m used to it” he chuckles as he props himself up against the tree.

“This is so depressing. Would you give me a minute?” I ask and stand up.

“Sure don’t stray far”. I nod and walk slowly down the hill and over to my grave. I sit by the stone and read the little message:

Here lies

Rose Taylor

1996- 2014

May she rest in peace

Forever and always

This is so depressing; I’m looking at my own gravestone. This is weird, this isn’t normal. I don’t know why I’m still standing here.

“Hey you ready to go?” I turn around to see Liam staring at the grave. I stand up and brush down my knees.

“Yeah let’s get out of here, it’s uncomfortable and it’s getting dark” I say and start walking back up the hill. We’re actually being civil.

“Almost forgot, here’s your phone and also you need to feast” Liam speaks up and catches up with me. And then he ruins it.

“No! I said I’m not so I’m not” I say as I take my phone from him and slid it into my back pocket.

“Well you will, you’ll already be starving Rose, you need to feast, come” he says and holds his hand out.  

“I can’t” I whisper.

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