Chapter 41

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Clarke's POV

One thing I forgot, though I definitely should have expected, was for tattoos to hurt. Now I know they would, I know vaguely how you get tattoos, but I just didn't expect it. It's one of those things where you know it's going to happen, but you don't consciously process it.

And down here, in Polis, they don't have the technology for making tattoos that we had on the Ark. We didn't exactly have cutting edge technology for it up there, as tattoos aren't exactly a priority when you're essentially in a giant metal box in space that occasionally runs low on Oxygen. On the Ark, tattoo artists would commission mechanics to make tattoo guns out of whatever they could find or spare, which usually wasn't much. Plus, having them build it was pretty expensive, so the result wasn't often well made.

Down here, they don't have tech like that (yet). The tattoo artist Lexa takes me to she insists is the best in Polis, as he is actually the one who did Lexa's tattoos.

He greets us at the entrance to his tattoo shop, a nice two story home. I would assume he lives on the second floor.

"Heda, Hedatu!" He greets, holding out his arm. Lexa grasps his forearm and then I do the same after she has let go of him. "It is good to see you again, Heda. You look very well. And Hedatu, it is wonderful to meet you. I have heard much of you from my customers."

People in his tattoo shop, while getting stabbed with needles, are talking about me? I mean, whatever distracts you from the needle, I guess.

"Mochof (thank you). It's good to meet you as well."

He gestures for us to come inside and then instructs me to sit on the well-worn leather chair nearby. I comply, and it's actually rather comfy. Lexa sits on the chair next to me, on my right side. She has her tattoo on her dominant arm, her right. So I'm getting mine on my dominant arm, my left.

The tattoo artist sits on my left, humming quietly as he gets out his equipment. "I have heard of your prowess as a healer, Hedatu. I have had many healers come through here, and all seem to be concerned with the safety of my tools. The ah..." He trails off, looking upwards as he tries to think of the word. "The cleanliness. I sterilize my tools between each use, I assure you."

"Thank you for letting me know." That wasn't something I was worried about, but I know that while I'm being tattooed, I would probably worry about that. "Oh, um. This is the tattoo."

I hand him my sketch, the paper folded over so the drawing side isn't showing. He unfolds it and looks at it, his eyebrows shooting up.

"I had heard of your prowess as an artist, but I did not think you would be this good," he admits. "I can do this. It is like Heda's tattoos, yes?"

"Yes, I mixed together different parts of her back tattoo with her bicep tattoo."

He looks at or closer, squinting at the middle section. His eyes light up and he nods excitedly. "I see it, Hedatu! You took some of the little pieces! Wonderful!" He claps his large hands together. "I will prepare now."

I decide not to look at his tools in case there's something that'll freak me out. I listen as he hums under his breath a song I don't recognize as his tools clatter against the tray he has them on as he moves them around.

"How do you do tattoos?" I ask curiously, hoping that talking will help ease how much I don't like needles, so hopefully I'll think about it less. "You don't have the technology we had for this on the Ark."

"We use needles and ink," he says absentmindedly.

"Manually?" I ask, grimacing.

"Usually, yes. But I have a friend who has studied Old Earth tek (technology) for their entire life. They built me this device, so I can keep tattooing without straining my hand as much. And it takes much less time."

He wipes down my arm with disinfectant and I fight the urge to shiver at the cold feeling. Lexa smiles encouragingly at me and takes my hand in hers. I wince slightly at the first prick on my arm, but keep looking at Lexa. She meets my eyes and lets me stare into them, getting lost in the green of her eyes.


Lexa's mask of indifference, one she has perfected over her years of being Heda (yet I can always see right through it, but I think that's because she lets me), breaks once we're back in our room. Lexa's lips twitch up into a small smile that continues growing, and then she's chuckling. Lexa bursts into laughter and I pout at her. She clutches at her stomach, sitting on the bed and continuing to laugh.

"You're my fiancée, you're not supposed to be laughing at me." I remind her, still pouting.

Lexa wipes away a tear from her eye and her laughter fades into snickering. Between chuckles, she speaks. "Moba niron (sorry loved one). It is just too funny."

"It's not that funny," I protest. "You know I don't like needles."

"Yes, I know Clarke." Lexa snaps the k with her tongue like usual. She's looking up at me with a wide (heart melting) grin. "But you are the Heda, and I have seen you shoot a raging Pauna in the eye while it was charging at you. And you..." She snickers again. "And you are complaining that the tattoo hurts."

I cross my arms as Lexa bursts into laughter again, but it's such a beautiful sound that I can't help smiling as well. My smile grows until I'm chuckling too. I sit down next to her.

"I guess I'm kind of ridiculous, huh? Scared of needles, but not giant bloodthirsty gorillas." Lexa and I both laugh at that.


That night, I fall asleep to the feeling of Lexa gently tracing my tattoo over its bandage. I smile, knowing that I'll be falling asleep to this loving feeling more often now.

Aww! And Clarke hating needles, which I think I've mentioned that before? I didn't want to look back through 100k plus words to find that though, so we're going with it! If I'm contradicting something I've said previously, oh well! (Not really, if I am let me know and I'll change it) Next chapter, maybe Captain Ranya? Dang, we haven't really gone back to them lately. And they're coming back soon too! And then there's Clarke and Lexa's hunting thingy featuring a special surprise ;) Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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