Chapter 6

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The rest of the weekend nothing else really happened. It just consisted of Tyler and I playing Fifa all day and basically eating our whole stash of candy, chocolate and soda.

I woke up to the most irritating alarm, and quickly shut it off trailing myself out off bed and into the bathroom.
I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair, putting it up in a messy bun.

I quickly threw on some booty shorts and an adidas tank top, with my black and white vans, then I quickly tied a black and red flannel around my waist.

I flew down the stairs and devoured my cereal in no time. On my way out of the door I grabbed my backpack and car keys. I started up my car and plugged my phone into the aux cord, jamming out the entire drive to school.

I pulled into the parking lot, and parked my car in the space I was in last time. I done my usual checking all of my social medias, before heading to my locker and getting my books for the classes that I had before lunch.

My first class was chemistry with Mr McConnell, he was a very strict teacher so I didn't really enjoy any of his classes. I took a free seat next to this girl in the back row, she had light brownish blondish hair, with nice big green eyes.

"Hey I'm, Courtney it's nice to meet you" she said "I'm Brooklyn" I replied flashing her a smile. I pulled my books out of my backpack and laid them out on the table, turning to the right page of the text book.

Once our written work was done our class had to go with their lab partners that they we assigned at the start of the year. It was kind of awkward because I joined a few months after the year had started, so I just stood there in the middle of the room pretending to be busy.

"Miss Beckham, why are you just standing there" Mr McConnell questioned me. "Well, uhh sir I don't have a partner" I said rather blankly.
"Rodriquez, come here" Mr McConnell called out over his shoulder.

"Uhh yes sir" Charlie said rushing over to us. "You don't have a lab partner right" he asked Charlie. "Correct sir"
Charlie replied "problem solved Beckham, Rodriquez you guys are now lab partners" he said swiftly walking back to his desk.

"We need to stop running into each other like this"  Charlie said with a toothy smile. "Yes we do"  I replied enthusiastically. "Anyway what table do you wanna sit at"  I asked Charlie  "mines free, come sit"  he said pulling out the empty char beside him.

"Class as you all know, every semester, you and you lab partners do a project together at home. You guys will have to come up with a science project and it has to be handed in at the end of the month, it could be anything as longs as there's a bit of science involved"  Mr McConnell explained to us.

And as he finished his sentence the bell went off. I walked rather slowly to my next class, mainly because it was maths, I was terrible at it, if there was one thing I couldn't do, it was definitely maths.

I strolled into the classroom finding an empty desk at the front of the room. I sat down I pulled out my books, dumping my bag on the empty chair beside me.

I have to admit it was easier as I thought, but I know it will get harder through out the rest of the year. It was lunch now, so I walked out to my car and drove to Taco Bell.

I just ordered 2 tacos and a Baja Blast.
I ate my tacos before I reached the school car park. I sat on the wall in front of my car, scrolling through Instagram and drinking my Baja Blast.
A few minutes later the bell went and lunch was over.

My last two classes weren't interesting, just boring English and history work.
The bell went and that signalled the end of school, thank god because I don't think I could stick it any longer.

I went to my locker and shoved my books in it, slamming it shut behind  me. I walked out to my car, and threw my bag in the passenger seat, then I turned on the radio listening to anything that came on.

I was driving down the usual road I take to get back home, when a bunch of guys thought it would be funny to throw a rock at my car, cracking my windshield.

I was pretty pissed so I got out of my car and went over to them  "dude what the fuck, do you how much it's gonna cost to get that shit fixed"  I said, my voice enraged with anger.

"No, but I don't care either way"  he replied shrugging his shoulders. "Your a fucking asshole"  I said shoving him against the wall. "Looks like, princess over here is feisty" another boy said walking around the corner.

"Charlie are you fucking serious right now"  I said turning to face him. "Oh shit"  I heard him whisper under his breath. "You know what fuck this"  I said turning away and getting into my car before he could speak.

I drove home, in the worst mood I've been in, in a while. I got out of my car slamming the door shut, then proceeded to storm upstairs and into my room. How on earth am I gonna get the money to pay for this.

I got changed into some shorts and a t-shirt, then I brushed my teeth and went to bed. My phone buzzed which most likely meant I had I text. I looked at my phone, to see a message from Charlie.

Charlie: Brooklyn I'm sorry, I don't know why I did what I done today, I really regret it and I hope that you can forgive me.
And as for the windshield there's $350 in the passenger seat to replace it. Charlie xx

I read the message but didn't reply, just to let him know I was still angry at him.
It was nice of him to pay for the windshield even tho it wasn't him that done it.

I set my phone back down on the empty side of my bed, then I buried my head in my pillow eventually falling asleep.

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