Chapter 16

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"Brooklyn, Brooklyn, wake up we have to go to breakfast in 25 minutes" Ashlyn said shaking me awake. "Uhhh fine I'm getting up now" I said dragging myself out of bed.

"Someone looks happy to be up" Alex chuckled. I just flipped her off and padded on into the bathroom where Tobin was brushing her teeth.

"Good morning" Tobin said. "Morning I mumbled back grabbing my toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it. "Are you okay" Tobin said, concern in her voice.

"Yeah, just not a morning person as you can see" I laughed. "Yeah I can see that pretty clear" she laughed with me.
"Guys stop having a flirt fest and get your asses changed, we have to leave in 15 minutes" Ashlyn said standing in the doorway.

"Oooo okay sorry mom" I said sarcastically causing Tobin to burst out laughing. "Geez Tobin your girlfriends joke wasn't that funny" Ashlyn scoffed.
"She.. is... not... my girlfriend" Tobin managed to say between breaths.

"It's just you literally got roasted" she chuckled. "Yeah yeah, whatever, just get ready you two" Ashlyn sneered before walking back into the room.

Tobin and I high fived before getting ready and going down to breakfast.
I just got some bacon and eggs with a glass of orange juice. I grabbed my plate and sat down beside Ashlyn.

A few minutes later Alex and Christen sat across from us and began eating.
Once Tobin and Ali had got their breakfast they came and sat down too.
Ali sat on the other side of Ashlyn and Tobin sat on the other side of me.

"So a little birdie told me Brooklyn was all wrapped up in Tobin's arms last night while you guys were sleeping" Christen said glancing at Tobin and then at me.

Neither Tobin or I answered and Christen sat accomplished across the table with a smirk stuck upon her face.
"So it's true then" she added. "Yes Christen it's true, now shut up and eat your food before I force it down your throat" I fired back at her.

The whole table ohhed, and Christen looked taken back at my comment.
Tobin just looked at me and started laughing and I just smiled back at her.
"That shut you up Christen" Kelley said laughing.

"Shut it squirrel" Christen snapped.
"Or what Pressy what are you gonna do" Kelley chuckled. Christen just sat quietly and continued to eat her food.
"That's what I thought press" Kelley said smugly.


We all got off the bus and began to walk into the stadium. "Hey ignore the media and press, just keep walking"
Carli said clasping me on the back, I nodded and done what she told me.

I walked on into the stadium and headed towards the home changing room. I sat down in front of my shirt and pulled my headphones over my ears.

I began taking my boots and shin pads out of my bag, I pulled my sweats off and changed into my shorts and put my socks on before shoving my shin pads in them. I put my boots on and proceeded to lace them up.

I put my shirt on over my sports bra, then I got 3 hair ties just to make sure, and put my hair up in a high ponytail.
I got some blue pre wrap and made a hairband to hold my stray hairs back in place.

I was the first to get ready so I sat and listened to my music until everyone else got suited and booted. "Ugh has anyone got a spare hair tie"  Sydney asked.

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