Chapter 19

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I was abruptly awoken by one of Ashlyn and Alex's little pranks. They thought it would be funny to scream, and I mean scream at the top of their lungs "GAME DAYYYYYY!" And pour bottles of water all over me while I was sleeping.

It sure did wake me up, but I was pissed. "Are you guys fucking serious right now" I yelled before slamming my head back down into my pillow.
My only reply was the both of them bent over laughing, holding their stomachs.

"You.... you know what the best part of this is" Ashlyn said between breaths.
"What, what is it you dickhead" I scoffed. "We got this all on video, oh we gotta show this to the rest of the team"
Ashlyn added.

"Ughhhh I hate you guys" I replied slumping back under my sheets. "Come on we gotta get up it's game dayyyyy" Alex yelled. "Alex enough with the yelling or I'll beat your ass" I sneered.

"Come at me bro" Alex yelled again just to annoy me. "Ash you might want to record this" I said smugly. "Oooo this is gonna be fun" Ashlyn chuckled whilst getting to her feet.

I jumped up out of bed and chased Alex out of the hotel room. Ashlyn following a good 10 feet behind, recording us. I sprinted after her down the corridor and she turned the corner.

"Watch out for...." Alex yelled but it was too late. I ran clean into someone and knocked them straight off their feet. "The Canadian" she finished her sentence.

I quickly got up on my feet and looked down to see I had collided with Kailen.
"Oh my god Kailen, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you" I stammered.

"Oh my god your nose, I'm so sorry, you don't know how bad I feel" I managed to get out of my mouth.
"It's fine, really, I'm okay" she replied holding her nose.

"No your not, your nose it's bleeding, I should have watched where I was going, now look what I've done" I sighed. "Brooklyn its fine really, accidents happen" she said getting back up on her feet.

"Come on, Ill help you clean it up" I said. "My rooms downstairs" she replied. "Yeah I know we're going to mine" I protested grabbing her arm and dragging her to my room.

I barged through the door and lead Kailen to the bathroom. "What is she doing here" Tobin scoffed. "Keep it shut Tobin its none of your concern" I hissed. "Sit" I said motioning towards the counter. I closed the door behind me.

"Right uhhh lets see" I said rummaging through the first aid kit.
"Tip your head back and hold the bridge of your nose"  I instructed.
Kailen done as I said while I found some gauze.

"Here, put that in your nose"  I said handing it to her. "What if it's broke Kailen"  I began to worry. "I've broken it before, trust me it's just bleeding I'm fine, really"  she replied calming me down.

"Brooklyn we have to be at the bus in 30 minutes"  Ashlyn called in. "Yeah I know, well only be a few minutes"  I called back. I sighed and continued to help Kailen stop the bleeding.

"What's wrong Brooklyn"  Kailen asked me. "Nothing I'm fine"  I lied. "We may not be the bestest of friends but I'm always here to listen"  she said staring me in the eyes.

"Thanks Kailen, means a lot"  I said looking at the floor. "Ugh I don't want to play today"  I complained. "Why not" Kailen asked me. "I'm not good enough, I'm nothing compared to the rest of my team, I don't deserve to be here, it should be someone from u-20 out there not me"  I explained.

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