Chapter 8

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The big day had finally arrived. It was Friday night, the night of my first soccer game for the team for Westview high. We were known as The Westview Polar Bears.

We were the team that everyone had underestimated. The teams track record wasn't very good it was 23 wins to 19 loses in the previous season, and I was here to change that.

As me and the girls stepped off of the bus, we could already hear the noise coming from the crowded field. I was pretty sure the bleachers couldn't hold anymore people.

We went into the locker rooms and proceeded to get changed into our jerseys. Our kit was a white shirt with a blue stripe going across the middle of it, that said Westview on it, we had blue shorts and white socks as well.

Once everyone was up and ready coach Burns called me over to her. "Beckham, come here a minute" her voice echoed throughout the empty changing room.
"Yes coach" I replied walking over to her.

"Congratulations, your Westview's new captain" she said slapping the armband into my chest, then she continued to walk out of the locker room to leave me standing there in astonishment by myself.

I heard the commentators voice introducing the teams. "Now leading the Jacksonville Jaguars, Chelsea Brooks"
The crowd erupted with loud cheers, as their captain lead her team onto the pitch.

"Now leading The Westview Polar Bears, Brooklyn Beckham" The crowd began to cheer but it was twice as loud for us, probably because it was a home game.

I ran out onto the field with my team following behind me. We lined up and shook hands with the opposition, wishing them good luck for the game ahead.

The referee called for captains and we both jogged over to where they were standing. We both shook hands with each other. "Alright heads or tails" the ref asked Chelsea, "uhhh heads" she called.

The referee threw the coin up and it landed on tails which meant we had kick off first. I ran back over to my team and we formed a huddle, while I gave them a quick pep talk before the match started.

We done our chant and headed into our positions. The whistle blew and the first half started. I passed it to my centre back Jessica and she played it out to our left back Veronica.

Veronica ran up the left wing and crossed it into the box. Unfortunately the goalkeeper made the catch before any of our players could get to the ball.


There was 5 minutes left in the first half, and Sam our centre mid played a through ball for me to run onto. The jaguars defenders were to slow so I easily outpaced them, it was just me vs the keeper now.

The keeper rushed out near the edge of her 18 yard box and took me down, in one hit. The crowd started to call for a penalty and so did I. The referee ran with his hand out pointing towards the spot.

Jessica and Sam rushed over to me to make sure I was ok, I reassured them that I was fine and that I would be able to play the rest of the game.

Sam was our assigned penalty taker, so I expected her to step up and hit it, but instead she walked towards me and shoved the ball into my chest.

"This is your time to show us what you've got, don't let us or the fans down we believe in you" Sam said as she walked outside of the penalty area.

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