Chapter 21

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I got up out of bed at 7:30am so I would be on time to school. I got dressed into some grey ripped skinny jeans, a navy and grey adidas t shirt and quarter zip and my navy N-5923's.

I walked downstairs and had my breakfast. "Mom dad I'm leaving for school now, love you, see you later" I called out before going out to my car.
I plugged my phone into my aux cord and blasted my playlist the whole way to school.

I walked through the main doors to be mobbed by fans. Yes you heard me correct, people from my school have become my fans now. I was surprised, I just thought it would be like any other normal day, but of course nothing is normal for me I guess.

Once the crowd of people grew smaller I walked to my locker and got my books for the day and shoved them into my backpack. I went to my first few periods and then lunch came.

I got up out of my seat and flung my backpack over my shoulder. "Hey Brooklyn wait"  Charlie called out. I just pretended I couldn't hear him and kept walking. But then I heard his footsteps quicken up, God can't he just leave me alone.

Suddenly I was spun around. "Hey are you ignoring me"  he asked me. "No I just couldn't hear you sorry"  I lied. "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, I should have, but it all just sounded so surreal to me, can you please give us another chance"  Charlie pleaded.

"No Charlie, you listen to me, you were the one that turned your back, you were the one that pushed me away, so don't come back begging for another chance, because guess what your not getting one, goodbye Charlie"  I said before walking away.

Not gonna lie I did feel bad for leaving Charlie in the dust like that, but he threw whatever we had away, I gave him a second chance and he turned it down, it was time for him to feel what I went through.

"Oh and I'm sorry I like girls I don't swing that way"  I chuckled pointing to his dick, causing the people around us to stifle out a laugh. "Whatever but you'll regret this Beckham"  he sneered red faced. "Yeah whatever you say Rodriquez" I laughed again.

"Hey Brook" my brother called out. "What's up bro beans" I said turning to face him. "Can i please borrow your car, I have a date tonight and you know dad won't let me use his after what happened last time" he begged.

"Fine but if anything happens to my car I get to hang you by your underwear off the tree in our back yard"  I said holding my hand out. Tyler rolled his eyes. "Fine"  he huffed shaking my hand. "Be at my car when school ends and it's all yours"  I called over my shoulder as I was going to my next class. "I'll be there"  he yelled back.


My so called "fans" and lunch was the only 2 things that was actually eventful in my day.
The final bell eventually rung freeing me from this shithole they call a school. I stood waiting at my car until my dickwad of a brother showed up.

"Scratch my car, I'll scratch your eyes out"  I said throwing him the keys. I went into the passenger seat of my car and grabbed my long board. "Thanks Brook, I owe you one"  Tyler said driving off. I just laughed and shook my head at how much of a dork my brother is.

I dropped my board to the ground and began my ride home. Once I approached my street I picked up my board and walked. I fished my keys out of my back pocket and unlocked the front door.

I threw my bag beside the couch and grabbed something quick to eat. I sat at the barstool closest to me and quickly ate my food before going upstairs and running a hot bath.

I picked up my change of clothes and set them on the counter before taking of my current outfit and soaking in the tub for a while. I've been in the bath for about an hour and a half now, I know, I like to lounge in the bath for a long time, sue me bitch.

I pulled the plug then proceeded to dry and change myself. I grabbed my phone from beside the sink and looked at the time. It was 7:34pm already. So I guess I've just spent my day wasting away in school and then in my bathtub, how exciting.

I flopped down onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. God look how pathetic I look, is this really how I spend my free time. Sitting in my empty house all day staring at the ceiling. Well isnt my life just absolutely great.

A few hours passed of me just pigging out like the fatty that I am and watching Netflix, so I decided to call it a night. I turned my TV off and kicked all of the empty wrappers and cans off my sheets onto the bedroom floor.

I closed my eyes and was nearly asleep a few minutes later until something hit the glass panes of my balcony door. I pulled the sheets off of me and walked out. I guess whoever it was was going to hit it again but instead hit me in the face.

"Owwww what the fuck, God damn fucking pebbles" I complained. "Brooklyn I'm sorry, I was aiming for the door" the mysterious person called up. I walked over to the edge and looked down, it was no one other than Tobin, the last person I expected to see standing in my back yard.

"Tobin, what the fuck are doing standing in my back yard, you idiot" I scoffed. "Brooklyn please hear me out" she begged. "You have 5 minutes, come up to my room" I sighed walking back inside.

About a minute or two later Tobin knocked on my door. "You didn't need to knock" I shook my head at her. "Yeah well I wanted to" she replied. "Right so go ahead, explain" I nodded my head at the empty spot on my bed.

Tobin took a seat and began explaining. "Okay, whenever you said that about Kailen I got really jealous, I was going to ignore you for the night and planned on apologising the next day"
She explained.

"But then the next day you actually were with Kailen, and that just sent me over the edge, I hated seeing you with someone other than me, I just thought that if I ignored you, all of my problems would go away, but it just made them worse and you know how stubborn I am, I couldn't come to grips and apologise and if I did none of this would have escalated"  Tobin sighed.

"Oh Toby, what am I gonna do with you"  I got up and hugged her. "So do you accept my apology"  she questioned. "Yes, I accept your apology"  I said. "Good because I didn't have a back up plan for if you said no"  Tobin chuckled. "Of course you didn't"  I smiled.

"I got to go I'll see you later, don't be dreaming off me"  Tobin winked. "Yeah whatever, I'll see you later then"  i laughed. I heard the front door open then shut, Tobin went home so I got back into bed again this time I fell asleep.

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