The New Kid- Sebastian

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This was requested by @andrewtaft34 i think its a great suggestion and i hope you like it.

Sebastian's Pov

I just can't believe Blaine chose Lady Hummel over me. I'm way better looking, why can't Blaine see that. How am i supposed to move on, no one ever made me feel that way. 

As if my day can't get any worse i'm getting a roommate. As i get to my room and walk in there is a h/c boy sitting on his bed reading a book. As he finally looks up and i am greeted by the most gorgeous pair of e/c i've ever seen. He gets up walks over and my breath hitches as he extends his hand.

"Hi you must be Sebastian, i'm Andrew."

I just shook his hand and took a deep breathe then said,

"N-nice to m-meet you Andrew."

God why am i so freaking nervous!

"Ok then, well tell me about yourself" he said. 

Oh god i'm a stuttering mess, how am i supposed to play twenty questions or something.


"You start Seb, can i call you Seb?" he asked while having a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Sure, and where did you grow up?"

"Florida." (just insert where your from)

"Whats your favorite color?"

"Red." i replied

"Huh suits you i can see it." he said

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~after game~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"We got to know alot huh?" i said

"Yeah who knew 20 questions led to weird questions"


"Hey um, want to go to get food?" i suggested

"Sure lead the way Seb"

Ahh when he says Seb, it's so freaking adorable, maybe getting over Blaine will be easy, no pull it together you just met him 2 hours ago.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~after eating~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey Andrew?"

"Yeah, Seb"

"Do you sing?"

"Sometimes don't know if i can"

"Well i'm a warbler do you wanna maybe try out?"


"Lets go, theres a meeting in 20 minutes."


When we got there one person was auditioning and now i push Andrew to 'center stage' and told the council.

"Andrew here wants to audition"

"Ok go ahead" said Wes.

The music to All on me by John Legend came on (Just pretend you are singing instead Blaine).


When i sang i felt liberated and if you must know i kept sneaking glances at Seb and was partially singing to him, I know, i know 'you just met him' well he's funny, sarcastic, stubborn and a great match.

"You're in!" said one of the boys.

Yes! We all cheered and we practiced for a while singing until we went back to the dorm when i would ask him to 'hang out', if you know what i mean ;) (a date)

"Hey Seb?"

"Yeah." he replied looking at his phone.

"I need your help with something."

"What is it?" he questioned.

"Well, I kind of have a crush on one of the warblers and i wanted to know if i should make the first move or wait?"

Seb's Pov

"Well, I kind of have a crush on one of the warblers and i wanted to know if i should make the first move or wait for them?" he said.

My heart slowly breaking that he didn't like me and that now Blaine and Andrew have broken my heart.

"Are you sure he's giving you signs?"

"Yeah well, every time we chat he blushes a faint pink, and when i sang and glanced at him he was gawking and blushing crazy right? Well also he has these beautiful green eyes and a nice hair do that i just surprisingly want to touch." 

My heart shattered.

"Well, depends who he is, tell me and i'll let you know." i replied  still looking at my phone to avoid his gaze knowing i would probably glare at him or just plain cry!

"YOU!" he mumbled but i caught it. 


My eyes wide. My head shot up. And i looked into his eyes, he was bitting his lip he didn't even avoid my gaze so confidently i got up and sat next to him my mouth sort of open.

"Me!?" i said pointing at myself.

"Yes the song was dedicated for you!" he said 

i kept pointing at myself and repeated, "Me?"

He chuckled and said "Yes!" then just kissed me out of nowhere i mean i'm not complaining because damn this boy could kiss, which quickly got heated we then laid down on his bed never breaking our kiss and just made-out it was great, we pulled away and i realized i'm not gonna hump him and dump him this is a relationship that's gonna last. (little did i know i was right.)

"I like you too. Wanna go out?" he giggled.

We kissed again then laid down and cuddled up then i heard a faint whisper,

"I'd love too Seb."

I laid with a smile on my face forgetting all my troubles and just hugged him and enjoyed it, i will never forget the feeling.

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