Born This Way- Jeff Sterling

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A/N-(You are Nick's sister in this.)(Play video when told.)

Jane's Pov

"Come on Nick!" i pleaded with my brother about calling an emergency meeting, i had already convinced Wes by telling him i'd introduce him to Santana, even though she is still in love with          'Brittany, but he doesn't need that. Now is just Nick.

"No, Jane i said no."

"Please, i'll introduce you to Rachel" I new how to push his buttons.

"Alright." he caved.


~~~~~At the Meeting~~~~~

"Well Wes, what's the meeting for?" asked Blaine.

"Jane has something to say, please you may have the floor." Wes said turning to me.

"Well ok i have a favor to ask of you?" i said fidgeting a little.

"Well?" asked my impatient brother.

"Chill Nickky. Anyways, I was hoping you would all come to McKinley today at 4:00 to watch me and the New Directions perform, we have an assignment to put a flaw or something we have come to terms with, like something that people don't like about you but you have accepted it on a shirt." i explained.

"Yeah, but what are you gonna put on your shirt?" asked David.

"Not telling!" i yelled.

"Huh probably your attitude or maybe anger issues?" wondered Jeff aloud.

"Excuse me JEFF!!" i yelled, Jeff was startled all the warblers were to say the least, especially my brother they all know i am very scary person when you piss me off.

"What i didn't say anything?" he defended.

"You said your thought aloud, Buddy" Nick whispered and Jeff's eyes widened.

"SO HELP ME GOD JEFF, I WILL BUY YOU A KITTEN, LET YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH THAT KITTEN, AND THEN ON AN UNSUSPECTING NIGHT WHEN YOU ARE ASLEEP I WILL SNEAK INTO YOUR DORM AT NIGHT AND PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE!!!" I yelled each word getting louder and louder each warbler flinching near Jeff, as i got closer until i was at arms length away. Jeff looked terrified and confused.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"Good!" i just wanted to intimidate him.

"Damn your sisters scary, Nick" I glared at Blaine while Nick nodded.

"You want to be next Anderson!"

"No sir!" i raised an eyebrow.

"No i mean-"

"Just don't Blaine."

"4:00, auditorium, me and Kurt have a surprise." as i left i heard mumbles but Jeff was clear as day,

"Ok!" Jeff yelled as if i didn't just yell at him, always so positive that's why i love him, i only get mean with him to cover up i lie him but me and kurt have a plan.

~~~~~Backstage at Mckinley~~~~~

"Are they here yet?" Kurt asked as if they are here for the millionth time, but who could blame him i was losing my shit too, Kurt had a shirt that said 'Likes Boys' but under he had one that said 'Likes Blaine' Mercedes and Tina were gonna rip off the velcro and reveal the blaine shirt, then do the same with mine, my shirt beneath the one below is one that says 'Likes Jeff', i'm so nervous , What if he doesn't like me back?, What if Jeff says something?, What if i embarrass myself? My thoughts were stopped when Kurt yelled 'places everyone', OH MY GOD HERE WE GO!

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