Coffee Date- Blaine Anderson

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Blaine x gender neutral! Reader
This is a short chapter, very me.....I'll go home.

Laughing loudly at a joke Blaine made i leaned against the window at Lima Bean Cafe, my boyfriend and I are supposed to be studying, me helping him with Spanish and he's supposed to help me with Math. We trying to focus but it's not working.

"Look babe, this-this is hopeless," he huffed in annoyance,

"I just...I can't Spanish! Babe It never works! I'm American. Not Spanish. American." I laughed and shook my head in mock disappointment. He leaned his head against the window but threw his head a little to hard hitting the window and making a loud bang. I snorted trying to hold in my laugh as people looked at us and Blaine rubbed his head.

"Baby, You're making a scene." I said softly but sternly to get him to stop, he grabbed my hand and began playing with my fingers. He was making faces and I'm just staring at him with an amused expression.

"No more coffee for Blainey ." I poured mockingly taking his coffee and placing it far from him. Blaine then decided to also pull a pout. I cooed in an exaggerated voice.

"I don't know how you can be so serious sometimes, you're so adorable and cute. So squishy." I placed both my hands on Blaine's cheeks, he laughed, grabbing both my wrists with his large hands. I smiled at him. He pulled me in for a hug but it became uncomfortable and awkward as the textbook and paper were in between us.

"Let's go home," he suggested, I looked up at him.

"I'm tired plus we've got company. Nine o'clock." As Blaine bags to gather both our things I turned my head and saw gathered at the counter, Sebastian, Hunter, Nick, Jeff, and Thad by the ordering counter. I shook my head scowling slightly at Sebastian. Blaine grabbed my hand placing my bag in my other hand. I swung it over my shoulder and he led me over hearing the laughter die down behind us. I laughed as we ran out like children, giggling and hiding.

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