Jock - Kurt Hummel

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A/N- Don't get me wrong i love Klaine but wonder what it's like if Kurt wasn't gay and kind of a bad boy it was requested by private message by someone who didn't want to be named.

Once again I ran to the bathroom crying trying to clean the slushy that a jerk that shall not be named *cough Kurt Hummel cough*  ughh he's such a jerk and he's in Glee club and super popular. I'm a freak, outcast, weirdo.I cut not for that only but boys don't like me and i have no love my family sucks they hate me. When i walk out of the bathroom my best friend Alana is there waiting.


"Hi" i say.

"You ok?" she asks concerned

"Ehh been better"

"Kurt" she whispers.


"Do you want a ride home?" she asks.

"No i'm good, i'm gonna go dance in the auditorium to get my mind off things." i said. Dancing is my escape.

"Ok, bye!"


I sprint to the auditorium and ask the band to play Havana by Camilla Cabello. (She is the girl dancing from 1:15-2:15)

I hear clapping and the whole Glee club and teacher, Mr. Schue who is a basically my friend/teacher and my favorite since i usually help him since i'm latina and i have no friends beside Alana.

"Wow Sara, i didn't know you could dance, can you sing?"

"I don't know and i can dance?" i asked in disbelief i thought i was ok not great.

"Can you try singing?" says a petite brunette standing next to a tall football player who is nodding rapidly with a grin.

"Ehh ok why not"

"Maybe you can be in glee?" says Mr. Schue while Kurt is glaring at me. 


 I'm contemplating what song i should audition with, one that he know it's directed towards him even no one knows he's secretly satan in disguise to them he is a perfect angel. Then I found it.

While mainly looking at Kurt who is gaping at me.

When i finish everybody claps even kurt even if he is rolling his eyes at the same time.

"Welcome to glee!"



I have made friends and Kurt still is a work in progress and this weeks assignments are sing a song that reflects how you feel about that person.

We all drew names.

Santana= Brittany

Brittany = Mike

Artie= Rachel

Tina= Mercedes

Rachel= Finn

Mercedes= Puck

Finn= Santana

Quinn= Artie


Mike= Tina

Kurt= Sara

Sara= Kurt

We don't know who we got but i was last so obviously i got 

"My turn wonder who?" I say sarcastically as everyone chuckles, except Kurt who scoffs.

"Oh my it's Kurt!" i say my voice dripping with sarcasm. Kurt just rolls his eyes and everyone including Mr. Schue laughs.

The bell rings

I opened my locker to put away my books when a note fell out. It said,

Meet me in the auditorium 

-Kurt Hummel

Wait, wait, wait Kurt sent this, am i gonna get a slushy to the face. Hestitantly i walk to the auditorium, to see Kurt siting on a stool with a guitar.

I walk over and sit in the stool beside him then we sit in awkward silence until he breaks it.

"Hey so i'm gonna  perform how i feel here because i don't know what's gonna happen after and i prefer it doesn't happen in public." he says,

"ok go ahead."

(just pretend Kurt sitting on a stool playing)

"Why?" i was at tears at this point.

"Why what?" he asked.

"Why harass me, why make my life hell, you don't know my home life idid things i'm not proud of Kurt i-i-i did this," i pulled up my sleve to show the cuts and scars.

"You d-did t-that bec-cause of m-me."

"Yeah and my home life and you expect me to reciprocate those feelings no ok n-mmph"

I was cut off by Kurt kissing me and i didn't for a couple seconds but then did and eased into it. When we pulled away he smiled and i gave him a weak one and ran out of the auditorium. 

Touching my lips on the way out my bully Kurt Hummel was my first kiss.

The next day

"Mr. Schue i would like to do my assignment."

"Go ahead"

"As you know i got Kurt, here you go Kurt. "

(She sings the guy part too.)

"What are those scars, Sara!"

I finally showed off my scars. Was wearing a red dress and hat to match.

 Was wearing a red dress and hat to match

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"They're battle scars" i said.

"Drop it" i said.

"ok" they all said.

"Really?" Kurt said.

"Yes you know why."

"But i told you sorry!"

"Yeah and this song proves i didn't accept it, and as the assignment says sing how you feel about the person."

And with that i walked to my bag got it and calmly walked out of the choir room ignoring the yells of my name, walked to the parking lot and continued home. I got home went to my room locked the door and face planted into my bed and, 


A/N- If you want part 2 comment and vote, please.

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