Kurt Request

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(The video makes me smile, truly they are best friends. This is also a request by BrittanasKlaine sorry it sucks and took like a million years.)


Hayli's Pov

It was a normal day heading to class to class learning things I'm supposed to put into my brain as a new piece of knowledge when in reality I'm waiting until after school I just can't wait for Glee!

I was currently in Math drumming my pencils on my books in a way that replicates the drumming sticks on Finn's drum set at home, that's how I met my best friend Kurt, Finn had said Puck dropped another kid in the dumpster and it happened to be Kurt, I demanded he tell me who so I can apologize for Puck's idiotic mistake, he gave me the kids name and the rest as they say is history!

People talked, about Kurt being gay and always made fun of him even though he says he's not, right i mean everyone loves clothes and broadway but that doesn't mean anything, he would tell me right?

The bell rung, and i'm off to Glee.

Kurt's Pov


Well i'm gay, there i have admitted it to myself, i just need to tell one person, but will Hayli reject me i mean i'm the only closeted friend right Hayli's had right? such a good friend nice, funny, great singer, and an ultimate fashionista, i mea-

Oh no there she is ok, ok act cool.

Hayli's Pov

I found kurt leaning with one of his elbows against the locker smoothing out his hair and trying to hold 3 text books, i walked up to him and grabbed 2 books.

"Hey Kurt" i said.

"H-hi" he said.

"Dude, are you ok?" i asked he looked stressed and uhm, ok i'm gonna say flustered.

"I-i need to t-tell you something" he said looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"Ok?" i said unsure.

"I-i'm gay" he said slowly, while frantically looking around after the words left his mouth. My jaw dropped to the floor while i dropped both text books creating the loudest thud in history.

"What?" i asked unsure.

"I'm gay" he said a little more confident, key words, a little. He began to walk away, did he think i hated him, or worse that i'm a homophobe, ugh like Dave. (Before Dave came out)

"Kurt!" i yelled running after him.

"No! It's fine!" he said mad.

"No i really don't care, you're always gonna be my best friend no matter who you are." he smiled and we hugged, he laced his pinkie with mine and we let go doing one handed jazz hands (the gay high five^).

A week later Kurt told everyone he needed t, and became proud of who he is, i mean i'm proud i was one of the first people he came out to. And we couldn't have been happier.

A/n- Sorry it sucked and took forever!

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