Suicide Prevention

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I have seen a lot of people commenting on other stories i read about how they are ugly and useless, but your not any of those things, I know you won't believe me but trust me i have had some body issues from people telling me if i even eat to you finally got bigger, it just makes me feel bad that they notice that not anything else, i also have a mother" that abandoned me at 2 years old then tries to waltz in and pretend nothing had happened, I also have something called MPA it's a kidney disease it was hard but i didn't let those things stop me because i have overcome that journey and i'm happy the way i look, i found friends (You know who you are, so thank you!) that i care so much about and i hope they feel the same way,

YOU are NOT useless everyone was brought into this earth with a PURPOSE.A lot of rude-ass people think suicidal people are cowards, but they are NOT, the real cowards are the ones who [usually] hide behind a screen in this day and era bullying and treating people so badly that they want to end their lives. Now if you have any problems you can talk to me.

Just listen to this quote, "Suicide doesn't end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else" It is very true it actually doesn't end it it just passes it to someone else. If you need anyone i'm always available, talk to someone it's not stupid to get help, it's quite courages. I 'm gonna leave the number to a suicide hot line because I LOVE ALL OF YOU, my little doritos!


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- Adriee your friendly neighborhood shy girl, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, Please call if you need help!

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