It's you- Mike Chang

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A/n- I'm sorry I haven't been active on this specific book.

I watched as that "happy couple" chatted away, laughs escaping their mouths, happiness in their eyes and laughter. Despite the distance between us, social distancing I called it, it still seemed as if they were right next to me, rubbing their joy in my face, it made me sick. I sighed, trying not to glare harshly. This had been going on for months now, it's tearing me apart. I was happy when I met Mike, the first person that brought a sense of comfort to me each time I got nervous about a solo, first boy to sing to me, ask me to dance. He was so caring, an amazing dancer, and kind; all things that were deeply needed when you gotta deal with Rachel on the daily.

There was only one other girl that seemed to understand the "Berry drama" in the class; Tina. I had wrongly assumed that she would be my one and only friend in this club, me and her against man hands. The only one who would truly understand me, whose shoulder I could cry on; my saving grace whenever Santana ranted or Rachel bitched about something with no importance. Much to my surprise though, Mike had quickly taken me under his wing instead, filling in the position of a good friend, dance teacher, mentor, and everything else. While I had eventually gotten somewhat close to Tina to consider our friendship a strong one, it never compared to the friendship of Finn, Artie, Mercedes, and, of course, Mike. 

In fact, there was always this weird feeling that entered my veins whenever she came around. It was almost as if everything was a competition. We are good friends, of course, but to me she always wanted to one-up me. But she did. She beat me in everything; singing, beauty, dancing, and her fashion sense. A lot of the things she did never bothered me much as she probably hoped. All except for one minor thing.

She had won the love of Mike.

The feelings I had for him were strong indestructible even. Every second of my day was either spent glaring at them, or imagining different scenarios in my head. I felt someone nudge my shoulder. Looking over I see Finn. He gave me a knowing look.

"Was it that obvious?" I mumbled. 

"Obvious?" He scoffed playfully, to which I rolled my eyes. 

"I could'a sworn I saw smoke streaming out of your ears." The smallest smile creeped onto my face as he made that joke, his voice calming me slightly, both of us began laughing as I swatted his hand away when he began to poke my face. I tried to quickly sneak a peek at the two lovers before a harsh elbow jammed into my side.

"Ow!" I cried, elbowing Finn back to which he chuckled, trying to cover himself. 

"You bitch, what was that for?" I said rubbing my side.

"You're looking at him again!" he said.

"Yeah, so? Since when is that different from every other day?" he rolled his eyes.

"What a—" he began but cut himself off looking directly behind me.

"Mike, hey! How's it goin'?" my eyes widened.

"I'm okay." he shrugged, nodding.

 "How are you guys?" I looked at him.

"We're good. We're great. Awesome, even. Spectacular." fuck.

"Good." he chuckled a bit, shoulders shaking as he did so. I bounced my knee. 

"Y/N, are you okay?" Tina asked, feigning some concern. I will slap yo-

"Just peachy." I smiled falsely, narrowing My eyes at her.

"Y/N, can we talk?" mike suddenly asked.

"We are talking." I smiled cheekily, looking over to Finn who gave me a dopey look.

"In private, I mean."

"Now?" I asked pointing down.

"Yes, now." I nodded and got up. As he pulled me away I sent a glance over to Finn. He did nothing but send me a thumbs up. Turning back to look forward, I bumped into Mike as he made a sudden stop. We're in a classroom. Empty classroom may I add.

"You're not going to kill me, are you?" I teased. 

"C'mon Y/N." He released me, his face void of any emotion. 

"Why are you ignoring me?" My jaw dropped, eyes widening in shock. Are you-? Bitch-

"Excuse Me? Ignoring you? You can't be serious." I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Last time I checked, you were the one ignoring me for that girl." I dramatically pointed at the area we were just in.

"Girl? Who, Tina?" he asked brows furrowing.

"No, Mike. Obviously I'm referring to Finn. Anyone can see right through that facade you harbor towards one another we can all see that you're in love with him." I rolled my eyes, frustration in my body. I continued sarcastically 

"Yes, who else?" I said.

"Wait a minute." He said. He smirked.

"What?" My heartbeat quickening as he took the few steps necessary to close the space between us.

"Are you jealous?" He grinned, and if you weren't so nervous the butterflies in my stomach would have had a stronger effect. "Of Tina?" I thought of lying.

"Yeah, I am." Well shit. 

"I mean, how can I not? She's smart, pretty, incredible singer and dancer; pretty much all the things I'm not. We haven't hung out nearly as much as we used to. I miss you, Mike and Ikes. I just want things to go back to the way they were. When we were still best friends ... I love you." His eyes all but widened after this speech, and I could tell he seemed conflicted with himself. So I just waited anxiously, my feet glued to their spot. 

"Mike." I whispered, his eyes darting to my own. Say something. Please. But he didn't say anything. His lips were sewn shut, I couldn't take back words. It was too late. Too late to do anything but wait for him to speak.

But instead he leaned down and kissed me. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I quickly reciprocated his action,

"I love you, too." He pulled away briefly, his lips brushing against my own, before diving back in. 

"What about Tina?" I asked breathlessly, almost smiling wider at the sight of his swollen lips. I figured mine probably looked the same.

"There never was anything with Tina. It was always you." 

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