"Friends"- Artie Abrams

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I know this isn't a warbler but I promised it a long long long time ago and I feel bad making them wait so here you go,
Warning: Cheesy romance

A request by @SweetorSourCandy sorry took forever I broke my computer then i started writing and neglected this one i'm sorry. I hope you enjoy it.

I entered using the ramp to McKinley High School my school, i heard of this schools glee club so when i came here i knew i would be accepted. See i'm in a wheel chair and it happened about 5 years ago when i was 12, i was in a car accident my dad didn't even see the car, it was a drunk driver, I only told Artie what had happened because he understood. I love to inspire people. Just like Artie. He's kind of my crush, but shh don't tell anyone.

We started talking about duets and i decided to ask artie since we parked next to eachother if he wanted too.

"Hey Artie" I whispered.

"Yeah, Y/n?" he whispered back.

"Can we do a duet?" i say and he looks at me and smiles.

"Yes, how about i'm still standing? he said.

"Perfect!" i whispered/ yelled.

"Mr. Schue?" Artie raised his hand.

"Yes, Artie?" he said.

"Me and Y/n would like to sing a duet together, if thats ok?" he asked.

"Perfect come on up."

We wheeled up there and I began singing. (You are Quinn)

"That was amazing!" said Mr.Schue.

As the other students high fived me and said 'good job' because i had been practicing my sick wheel chair moves with Artie, who helped me, I 'm not gonna lie, i pretended to not know how to get close. He's very attractive and funny I love it when he raps, he knows very well.

When he rolled up to me I just stared in wonder because Kurt had shoved him to me as in saying 'hurry up and talk to her'.

"Hey Y/n?" he asked.

"Yes Artie?" i responded.

"Do you want to go to Breadstix's with me?"

"Like a date?"

"No!" he answered very quickly.

"Aww man i wanted it to be a date" i said kinda bummed.

"Really?" he asked and i saw something in his eyes i'd never seen before.

"Yes Artie I really like you, but i guess you don't feel the same way." i said wheeling away.

"I do i just thought you wouldn't want to date me because of the chair." He said grabbing the wheels.

"So can we start over?" he asked.

"Ok so do you want to go to Breadstix's date with me?"

"Yes, and to answer your next question, meet me at Breadstix's tomorrow at 6:00 then we can hang out."

"O-OK"He stuttered.

"Bye Artie" i said flirtingly. (Is that a word?)

As i wheeled out he had a smile on his face and began to yell yes then yelled,

"Bye Y/n!"

After the date the next day

"Thank you Artie i had lots of fun" i said kissing his cheek.

"No i had fun, but can i do something."

"Depends?" i asked.

"Kiss you?" he whispered.

"Please?" i whispered since we were at my doorstep.


He leaned in and i know this sounds cheesy but i fireworks exploded and it felt like it was only us two in the world.

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