Soulmates? - Santana Lopez

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A/n- This is for you Naya, rest easy, you're a hero.

Glancing at her from the back of the choir room I couldn't help but admire her. The way her lips curled up in a smile, the way she rocked forward laughing loudly, her smile getting bigger and brighter than I could've imagined. An involuntary smile crossed its way on my face as I stared at her. Her hair pulled up in a sleek pony tail but it still stayed curled and swayed as she moved. The makeup she puts on but doesn't need, the lip gloss as I stared I realized I was biting my own lips.  Sighing softly I turn to see Mr. Schue was at the front of the class talking about this week's assignment. It's a fairly easy one, Love Songs.

Oh to be in a relationship, to have someone hold you, kiss you, hug you, to have someone look at you like you're their whole world. I'm ok with being single, I'm content but my mind can't help but wander, wander to a certain someone sure but still, wander far far away.

"Pick what you believe is the greatest love song and perform it for the person you love most." Schuester says, I glance at Santana who looks to Brittany but she's to busy cuddling with Artie. I stare at San for a long time, way to long before dramatically raising my hand.

"I already have a song." Every time I hear this song I think of her, there's no going back now. Me. Schue just nods and goes to take a seat. I walk up and whisper to Brad what song I want, he nods smiling slightly. I bop my head along as the music begins, turning around a singing the first line. (I changed the name cause it kinda fits)

I think we could do it if we tried
If only to say, you're mine
Santana , know that you and I
Shouldn't feel like a crime

Her head shoots up at the mention of her name, she looks at me with furrowed eyebrows genuinely confused. We just met this year I don't think she expected this. She watches me with curious eyes as I walk towards the guitarist.

I think we could do it if we tried
If only to say, you're mine
Santana, know that you and I
Shouldn't feel like a crime

I sway my hips a bit walking back to be in front of her, the girl I so desperately want. Moving my hands I turn, my jacket moving a bit to late but nonetheless I Look at her and put my hands on my hips.

You know I'll do anything you ask me to
But oh my God, I think I'm in love with you

I see Quinn start grinning having known my feelings for San. I loved her. I love her. San raises an eyebrow fighting a small smile.

Standing here alone now, think that we can drive around
I just wanna say how I love you with your hair down

I crouch down to sit in front of her holding one of my hands out as she breaks out into a smile, grabbing my hand.

Baby, you don't got to fight, I'll be here til the end of time
Wishing that you were mine, pull you in, it's alright

I pull her up and wrap an arm around her as she starts laughing. I spin her as we do a small dance, two steps to the left and then two to the right as people start clapping along.

I think we could do it if we tried
If only to say, you're mine
Santana, know that you and I
Shouldn't feel like a crime

I spun her again, grabbing her waist and looking into her eyes. She smiles twirling me around before walking off to stand next to Brad. I put a hand over my heart as I continued.

Honey, I don't want it to fade
There's things that I know could get in the way
I don't want to say goodbye
And I think that we could do it if we tried

Knowing this was our last year I wanted it to be special. She makes a "come here" motion with her finger and I smile wide walking over.

I think we could do it if we tried
If only to say, you're mine
Sofia, know that you and I
Shouldn't feel like a crime

She harmonized with me a bit as more people joined in. I wrapped an arm around her waist pretending to walk with her then retracing those steps.

I think we could do it (I think we could, I think we could do it, if, if, if)

She laughed loudly, grabbing my shoulders before I spun her again.

If we tried (we could, we could, you're mine)
I think we could do it (Sofia, know that you, you, you and I)

God she's beautiful. She looked at me teasingly before pulling out her ponytail. I grinned.

If we tried (shouldn't feel like a crime)
Sofia, know that you and I (I think we could, I think we could do it, we could, we could)

She even jumped in singing and pulled me into her dancing the most silly dance I've ever seen.

Shouldn't feel like a crime (do it, do it, you're mine) (get in the way)

The new directions joined in and some were dancing in their own world but I was to busy looking at her, god she's so strong and helped me with everything. I love her.

Sofia, know that you and I (Sofia, know that you, you, you and I shouldn't feel)
Oh, oh (like a crime) (do it if we tried)

The song ended but we stared at each other face to face and I knew what I had to do.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" I questioned, my heart racing as she blinked a few times. She stayed quiet for a few moments, thinking it over in her head.

"Yes." She nodded, as I analyzed her expression, she was much closer now.

"Why do you want to know ?" She all but whispered, leaning in as I held her gaze.

"Because I believe it's you San." I whispered, the smile on my lips fading as her eyes closed with content.

"Y-You.. you think im your soulmate?" She looked so peaceful. I nodded a bit as I grinned pulling her closer. I could hear the room hitch their breaths as I slammed my lips on Hera not being able to wait any longer. I thought I'd be single forever but instead, here i am, kissing her.

Everything is absolutely perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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