Flirting- Sebastian Smythe

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*Filler Chapter*

Mckinley Auditorium 

We were all in the choir room and i was resting, and by resting i mean laying across 'Klaine' even though they keep trying to push me off we were laughing when Sebastian walked in to start drama.

"Hey, what are you doing here?!" yelled Finn.

"Get out!" screamed Rachel as the warblers all walked up the steps and stood in front of us standing on the stage.

"Hey Y/n, aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?" Sebastian said as Kurt and Blaine each wrapped an arm protectively around me.

"I also avoid you." all the warblers snickered and The New  Directions 'oohd' and I smirked as Sebastian kept that smirk on his face. (GIF^)

"Look, I may not be a genie, but I can make your dreams come true." he said.

"Like you going away?" everyone laughed and oohd and then proceeded to get comfortable to watch the show as i got up and stood straight in front of my secret crush.

"Is it hot in here or is it just you?" he asked with a smirk.

"Why yes because we all know it's most certainly not you." everyone laughed at my comebacks.

"Listen sweetie, i keep roasting you so why don't you let me do the 'Flirting' around here." i said putting quotations around 'Flirting'.

"Once last time?" He asked.

"I need to be the one who who takes you home" he looked with eyebrows raised

"What? I like that song." i said innocently

"Fine." i gestured for him to continue.

"Are you a mailman?"


"Because i saw you checking out my package."

I stayed silent and looked around at everyone, they were all literally at the edge of their seats. I turned back at Sebastian who thought he won but no i looked him up and down, and yelled in his face.

"What package!" and everyone laughed at Sebastian's stunned face, and Santana came up and laughed the poked his chest and said,

"You just got burned!" she yelled.

"No, no, Santana" i said.

She looked at me confused.

"What?" she asked and i whispered in Spanish for her to watch and she nodded.

"Hey Seb." 

"Yes Y/n?" he said looking down, i lifted his head with my fingers.

"Are you a female dog?"

"No" and his face was genuinely confused.

"Because i just made you my BITCH!" and everyone bursted out laughing even all the warblers and even Santana high fived me and fell to the floor laughing.

Seb just looked upset.

I felt bad because i do have a heart so i decided to do what i thought was a bad idea but did it anyway. I looked around and no one was paying attention, so i grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips lightly, when i pulled away he smiled, not a smirk a genuine smile and I put my number in his phone then whispered in his ear a couple of my favorite lyrics to the that describes us

Maybe we found love right where we are.

And walked away with a smile on my face as I left him smiling like a dork.

A/n- Hope you like it just a filler!

I'm thinking of starting a book of the warblers like where there is only one girl in Dalton just like everyone else has does because i'm unoriginal so i want to know What do you guys think?

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