Letter 99

30 2 0

December 18, 1936

Dear Child Jesus,

I love You very much. What joy for me that there are 6 more days left to receive You in Holy Communion. Dear Jesus, tell God the Father that I love Him very much. Dear Jesus, also tell God the Father that I thank Him and You, because in a few days it will be Holy Christmas. Dear Jesus, bless the Church, the Pope, [and] the Priests. Dear Jesus, save many souls from purgatory so that they will go to Paradise to glorify the Most Holy Trinity, especially the Father. Dear Jesus, tell the Madonnina that I wish to receive You from her hands. Dear Jesus, bless my parents, my dear sister, and all the world. Dear Jesus, make yourself known and loved by lots of souls, especially those of Abyssinia and many others that don't know You. Dear Jesus, tell the Madonnina that I love her very much. Dear Jesus, many greetings, caresses, and kisses from Your dear


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