Letter 103

27 2 0

December 21, 1936

Dear Grown-Up Jesus,

I love You very much. Dear Jesus, I am so happy that in two days it will be Holy Christmas. Dear Jesus, I want to become a nun because at least I can be Your spouse. Dear Jesus, I want to save lots of souls. Dear Jesus, I want to be very good. Help me, because alone, I can't do anything. Dear Jesus, I would like to become holy. Help me to make many little sacrifices, and to become better always. Dear Jesus, tell God the Father that I love Him so much, and that I thank the Most Holy Trinity that soon it will be Holy Christmas.

Dear Jesus, I will tell You all the graces that I know up until now that I must ask You: the 1st, to make me go into Paradise; 2nd, to save lots of souls; 3rd, to convert many sinners; 4th, to make my parents and my sister go to Paradise.

Greetings caresses and kisses from Your dear


P.S. Dear Jesus, tell God the Father that I told it to Him not just one time, but I want to say it again, that I love Him very, very much.


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