Letter 147

37 1 0

March 25, 1937

Dear Child Jesus,

Dear Child Jesus, You―when you were not very small―always obeyed Your mom, and I want to imitate You as well. Dear Jesus, I want to do very, very, very many sacrifices because I love You very, very, very, really, very, very much...

Dear Child Jesus, save many souls. Dear Jesus, I want to be under the Cross every, every, every day, and to be very good, but without Your help, I can't do anything.

Dear Jesus, I want to be up on Calvary, really, with all my love, and to do Your will.

Dear Jesus, tell God the Father that I want to abandon myself into His arms and Yours to come securely into Paradise.

Dear Jesus! Many greetings, kisses, [and] caresses from Your Antonietta.

Dear Madonnina, you, who saw your Jesus suffer, help us very, very much to suffer with so much patience.

Kisses from Your little daughter,


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