Letter 145

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March 17, 1937

Dear Immaculate Madonnina,

Dear Madonnina, you, who are so pure, make me as pure as you are. With you, who suffered so much these days, I also want to endure my cross. Dear Immaculate Madonnina, tell Jesus that I love Him so much. Dear Madonnina, help me tomorrow to make a good confession, and make it so that all [my] sins come to my mind, and help me not to do them anymore. I also want to correct myself from all my defects to become better and please Jesus and you, dear Madonnina.

Dear Madonnina, I love you a lot, and tell the Holy Spirit to illumine me and bless me.

Dear Madonnina, tell God the Father that I entrust myself to Him, and that I love Him a lot.

Dear Madonnina, bless the Church, the clergy― especially my spiritual father, and help him in all that he has to do―and bless my family and the whole world.

Dear Madonnina, receive many greetings and kisses, and tell Jesus that I kiss all of His wounds.

Antonietta and Jesus.

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