Letter 101

52 2 0

December 20, 1936

Dear Child Jesus,

I love You very, very―I mean very―much, and I am very happy that soon it will be Holy Christmas to receive You in Holy Communion.

Dear Jesus, I want to make many many fioretti to save lots of souls.

Dear Jesus, tell God the Father that I love Him very much. Dear Jesus, tell Him also that I thank Him and the Holy Spirit that only three days are left until Holy Christmas. Dear Jesus, I am extremely happy that in a few days You will come into my heart. Dear Jesus! It is not enough that I told You one time, but I repeat it to You another time, that I love You very much, dear Jesus!

Dear Jesus, bless the Church, the Pope, the clergy, then my parents, my dear sister, me, and the whole world.

Dear Jesus, make many sinners convert, especially those who don't know You.

You know, dear Jesus, that I wish the Africans well, too, and also those who don't know You, and also the bad ones that don't love You because they are all Your souls, dear Jesus.

Dear Jesus, many greetings, caresses, and kisses from Your dear


"Antonietta and Jesus" = It's not totally clear to me why Antonietta starts signing off this way, but if I had to guess, it's to acknowledge the fact that Christ Himself is helping her write the letter, because without Him, she "can't do anything." Either way, it's a change worth noting, especially since she signs it in all capital letters.

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