Letter 159

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April 25, 1937

Dear Eucharist Jesus,

Today I re-offer my sacrifice of the leg.

Dear Jesus, I, before everything, thank You for giving the means to come closer to You in Paradise one day.

2. I thank You because You gave us the force to endure our Crosses with patience.

3. I thank You because in this year I made First Communion and You came to live in my heart. What a feast for me that day was! It was the most beautiful day of my life.

Dear Jesus, I thank You also because you made me have a good report card.

Dear Jesus, I want to be so good, but this morning I wrote the homework badly and I want to ask Your forgiveness...

Dear Jesus, I want to always be Your lamp and Your lily which are there to adore You; it would please me so much to be Your lamp, and I hope that it would please You, too.

Dear Jesus! It has been several days that I haven't seen You any more... but make Yourself seen more, because I love You so much!

And today, I really want to see you!

How painful these days were for the past year, but I endured them all for You, dear Jesus! And so that You [could] save many souls―I wish that today You save many more.

I entrust to You my parents, my sister, and especially my spiritual father, all the clergy, and the Holy Father.

Dear God the Father! I thank You also like Jesus, because You are infinitely good.

Dear Holy Spirit, illuminate me and fill me with Your Seven Gifts.

Dear Holy Spirit, I thank you also like Jesus.

Dear Madonnina, thanks to you as well.

I thank you, o dear Madonnina.

Dear Jesus, I kiss You on Your wounds. Your Antonietta.

Antonietta of Jesus.

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