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As promised :)

Start song at 0:54 for best effect :)

Finns POV

It's been a month since the jack kissing Ellie incident. I've heard a rumor that they broke up but I don't care. I never want to see him again. I'm currently walking down the sidewalk to the diner outside of my town. I remember how me and jack used to come here all the time. Those were the good old days. But I don't miss jack. Not one bit. Well that's what I keep telling myself anyway. I wipe some of my sweaty curls out of my face shove my hands in my pockets and keep walking. I start kicking a rock along as I'm walking. All of a sudden I feel a hard shoulder hit me. I look up and realize it's jack. I see his eyes grow wide. I look him up and down. He's wearing a short sleeve black shirt with jeans. Not much has changed, his hair just grew a little longer. Peeking out of one of his pockets I see the little red bear that came with the bouquet of flowers I was going to give him. I furrow my brows in confusion. He quickly pulls his shirt down and covers the bear, then keeps walking. I do the same. The opposite way.

Jacks POV

It's been a month since I last saw Finn. I broke up with Ellie the day Finn came to my house. I can't stand her. I'm currently walking to the park where I can relax and get some fresh air. I miss Finn and I've tried texting and calling him but he must have blocked my number cause nothing will go through. I still carry the little red bear around wherever I go. I even sleep with it some nights, and hold it when I'm sad. I would never admit that to Finn. It would be super awkward. All of a sudden I feel something or rather someone hit me. Hard. I look up and see him. Finn. He quickly looks me up and down and his eyes seem to linger by my pocket. I also look down to my pocket and see the little red bear he gave me poking out of it. I quickly pull my shirt down covering the bear and start walking away. I watch as he does the same.

I hope you all are listening to the songs I select because it's a very long process to time the song with the chapters. And also the chapters are made based off the songs :)


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