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Don't like smut? Don't read. K? K.

Finns POV

So here we are back at my house. We left the party after a while of dancing. Jack had the biggest smile on his face the entire time we were dancing. I don't think I had ever seen him so happy. I sit on my bed and watch as jack walks slowly around my room, paying attention to every detail. He touches some nicknacks on my dresser and bookshelf as he walks along the side of my room. I watch his face and he just has such bright welcoming eyes. He reaches the bed and turns towards me and I watch as his pupils dilate. I remember reading something somewhere that said when someone likes someone else they're pupils will get huge, and by the looks of jack right now I could say he liked me. But that's crazy finn and weird. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel something soft on my lips. I realize it's jacks lips. His lips taste like honey. Mmmmm. He tangles his fingers in my curly hair and pulls slightly, as I do the same to him. He pushes me back on the bed. I'm caught off guard as I quickly sit up only to get pushed down again by jack. He dims my lights and walks back over to me. He sits on top of me with his legs on either side of mine. I blush at the thought of jack sitting on me. He starts kissing me again and this time it's rough. His tongue begs for entrance which I quickly grant him. He pulls back and says. " Finn I want you." "Wait what are you sure? Like right no-" "yes Finn!" "Are you sure jack?" "Does this answer your question?" He asks as he rips open my shirt, the buttons flying off everywhere. I gulp and quickly nod. "Y-yup." And with that my shirt is pulled off along with his. We go back to kissing when I feel something touching my leg. I gasp when I realize that it's jacks boner. He notices this and gets off me. "Jack it's ok don't be embarras-" I start to say but stop when jack rips off my pants and throws them somewhere in the room along with his. He quickly returns back on top of me. I'm taken by surprise when he starts palming me through my underwear. I shiver at the sudden contact. I have thought of jack like this. Ya everyone has a dirty mind, but I never thought he would be so good at it. I question if it's his first time? Soon enough I'm a mess of moans. He stops and I flip us around so I'm on top. Jack bites his lip and I grab some lube from my bedside drawer. I start lubing up my fingers when I hear jack ask in a small voice. " Is this going to hurt finnie?" He was so confident a minute ago I wonder what happened. " yes you just have to breathe ok jack?" "Ok." He replies. I pull down his underwear and his hard pops up. I slide one of my fingers in his hole and I watch him squirm. I hold it there until he tells me to move it. I slowly move it while jerking off his boner. I add another finger and hit a certain fleshy spot. He turns into a moaning mess. " I-I'm close Finn." He breathes and I watch as his back arches and he cums everywhere.


Finns POV

After we got cleaned up me and jack settled down in my bed and watched Glee until jack fell asleep. I lie down next to him and try to fall asleep, but I can't. How could I? I have a million and one questions running through my head. What does this make me and jack? Was it a mistake? Is it wrong what we did? But all my thinking stops when I feel a small hand wrap around me and pull me closer. I know right then and there that it was right.


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