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Ok look I don't like the girl that jack is dating rn in real life. I tbh think she is using him for fame. Please do not come at me and say that I am jealous. Plus I don't like jack I want him to be with Finn! Ok just had to get that out of the way before people come at me in the comments. If u comment something rude ur comment will be ignored or deleted. So don't waste ur time :) anyway on with the story!

Finns POV

Jack starts walking towards me. I feel like I'm about to cry. I want to run away, hide do something! Anything to get me away from this sorcery! I take a look at the girl. She's nothing special. Short, matted hair dull eyes eh. "Finn, meet Ellie." Says jack with a nervous smile on his face. "Hi!" She says in a cheerful voice holding her hand out for me to shake. Almost to cheerful.... I look away and nod my head." Hey." I try to sound as dull as possible. She gives a small frown which I can tell is fake as fuck and takes a step back. "Finn!" Jack says getting irritated. "What?" I ask still not looking at them. Jack excuses us to his so called 'girlfriend' and pulls me to the side. "Finn what the hell are you thinking? What were you doing back there are you trying to ruin this for me?" Jack asks clearly pissed balling his hands into fists as he talks. "Look it's not my fault! You said you would be meeting ME here! Not with some chick I don't even know!" I practically scream in his face. "Finn I can't believe you! I never thought of you as the jealous type." Jack says crossing his arms. He turns on his heel and starts to walk away. " sorry I can see right through her! She's using you for fame jack! Can't you open up your fucking eyes and see! You hurt my feelings! I have been with you through all the shit! Maybe if you opened your FUCKING EYES YOU WOULD SEE THAT I LOVE YOU! And now some bitch is going to come in and take you away from me and your going to let her? I guess we're not the best of friends I thought we were." I turn away tears springing to my eyes as I leave jack standing there. Alone. 

I walk in the door nobody is home which is nice I don't have to deal with anyone's shit right now. I think about my argument with jack today. I lay back in my pillow and take deep breaths. I start to cry. I cry and cry until it's been three hours and I physically can't  cry anymore. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep on my tear soaked pillow...

Awww so sad! 🤧

Sleepover  (fack)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon