Oh no she didn't

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We heard a scream from the front of the school and we all ran out to investigate only to find a girl running away from two figures. I looked closer and saw that it was Rainbow Dash and Bat Wing. But Bat Wing was in his normal form.

The two looked over at us seeing how many of us were standing there, Rainbow shouted, "Bat Wing, run!"

Bat Wing ran but was soon surrounded by a purple aura and he stopped. I recognized the aura as the one that appears around an object that Twilight was levitating using her magic.

Sure enough, Twilight walked out followed by the rest of our friends so I joined them as to not look suspicious, and the rest of the school followed.

"Twilight let him go. He isn't what you think he is." Rainbow pleaded.

But a Maleficent type look came over her eyes and she didn't react. Instead she brought Bat Wing closer to her and began to interrogate him. "Are you a Changeling?" she asked. But Bat Wing was stock still probably to scared to speak.

"Are you a Changeling!?" she repeated more firm. And Bat Wing nodded slightly. "Just as I thought."


"There's no need for explanation Rainbow. This changeling obviously has been feeding off you since you danced with him. And now here he is out in the open."

She sighed and looked straight at Rainbow, "You know, when we learned about that prophecy in history class, I couldn't help but feel sorry for whatever girl will be the one. I can't let you be it. Whichever girl that falls in love with the male Changeling will be with him for the rest of her days. Meaning that eventually the Changeling will consume all of their love and that girl will die young. And I can't let that girl be you."

She turned to Applejack and caused that Bat Wing be brought closer to her. "AJ, teach this Heartless being a lesson for feeding on our friend."

"No problem." AJ's hand began to glow. Were her powers being enhanced!?

"Applejack! Don't hurt him! He wasn't feeding off my love!"

"That's what he wants you to believe Sugarcube. I can't allow that to happen to any friend of mine. Especially another Element." AJ drew back her glowing fist.

Suddenly there was a Rainbow blur that stopped right in front of Bat Wing and Applejack accidentally punched it instead. The blur got knocked back and hit the frame of the Wonderbolts Statue. We heard a loud crack as it fell to the ground. The blur was Rainbow Dash. She went in front of Bat Wing so he wouldn't get hurt.

Tears of pain were now streaming down Rainbows face. We were all so surprised by her actions that we forgot about Bat Wing for a moment till he ran past us toward Rainbow then cradled her in his arms.

I could barely hear Rainbows faint but persistent words. "Bat's... go."

"No. I can't leave you like this. Why do you only ever get hurt when I don't have my personal healing potion with me?"

"Bat... you need to go... NOW!"

Rainbow must have saw the entire school begin to come toward them. I was only doing it so I could see and hear them. The rest wanted to do harm to him.

Bat Wing cried over Rainbows limp body. As her breathing slowed, his eyes began to glow red. "Just let them try to separate us."

He thrust his hand in the air and a silvery substance came out. He was creating a force field to protect the two of them! Quickly, I squeezed through a spot not yet covered by the strange force field right on time.

I could tell everyone outside was screaming in protest but the barrier blocked out all sound. He growled at me and pointed his finger toward me as if he was preparing another spell. "If you take another step..."

"I don't intend you any harm Prince Bat Wing."

Bat Wings eyes were still glowing red but he put his hand down. "Then why did you come in? To take her from me?"

"No. I only want to talk."


"I understand how you're feeling. I lost someone dear to me in the past as well. Your stomach all clenched and your head feels like it will never stop pounding. And the deep feeling in your chest is practically tearing you apart. It's the scariest feeling in the whole entire world. And you don't think it will ever go away..."

I looked down at Rainbow who appeared to be un-continuous. "And in a way it wouldn't feel right if it did. But I promise you, Rainbow doesn't want you to feel this way. If she could, then she'd throw her arms around you and smile at you and tell you that it's ok for you to feel happy and safe again."

The red faded from his eyes and I took a deep breath. "I want to help you bring her back. But you'll need to trust me... I am probably the only person in this world that is willing to help you. Cause I knew about changelings for a long while. The rest of your kind may be heartless creatures that don't care about anyone but themselves. But I know that you're different. Just trust me, and everything will be fine."

(It was really hard to write this while not saying the word heart since he believes that he dosn't have a heart. So here you go.)

Bat Wing thought about it for a moment before nodding. I walked up to him and knelt beside him as he cradled the unconscious Rainbow in his arms and wiped the tears that were still on her face from before. "What can we do?"

I decided that there was only one place we can go to get help right now. "Listen. Inside the force field you created, there's a portal to the land of Equestria. I know a princess there that should be more than willing to help. I just hope the portal is open."

I put my hand over the surface of the base of the Wonderbolts statue that was facing the front of the school and sighed in relief as it started to glow around where my hand was. It was open. "Bat Wing, do you want to carry her, or should I?"

"I'll do it." I could tell that he didn't trust me fully so I let him be.

"Alright then. This," I pointed to the surface that glowed. "Is the portal. Just step in and you'll be transported to Equestria."

He was hesitant at first but then stepped in. I took one look at the surprised faces of my friends before following Bat Wing.

Hey guys. Hoped you were ok with the angry Twilight and AJ. Sorry if you weren't. But I have a feeling that you all will like the Loyal Rainbow.

And also, Spoiler alert. She'll be fine. This is a My Little Pony fan fiction and I don't like when a main characters die. But I do like the fight for life and building tention as long as it turns out happily.

Guss that tells you something about me. If a beloved character in a movie dies and they even do a funeral, then there is a 80% chance that I will turn off the TV right then and if it's a disk I'll snap it in half. But I only do it if I know for a fact that the writers won't go like, "Sike! Their not dead!" So don't feel to bad for me.

So if you guys don't like that, just know that I don't eather and won't have any of the characters die till the 7th or 8th book in this sireze. (You'll find out why when I write that far.)

Now I know what you're thinking. "But Rainbowdash120120, you only have one follower. Why would you plan on writing that many books if you aren't even that well known yet?"

I don't care. I was hoping to do that many books before I even got this account. I don't care that only around 10-13 people are viewing my books, (Or maybe it's the same 2 people viewing them over and over. I don't know.) I will do my best to keep those few people happy. Your Welcome. (Mike drop) (Picks it back up)

So ya. The next post Tomarow will be a list of the books I'm hopeing to write so if you want to comment on that and sudgest some more than by all means do it. After that I only have 2 more chapters that I can post at the moment. So get ready to have to start waiting for posts before next week is over. (I'm so sorry) Anyway, Say cool and always wear your seat belt.

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