The Announcement

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Ok. You all read the title. Let's kust get this ober with. So, I'm writing a new SoarinDash fanfiction called "Deaf with the Voice of an Angel"

Basically it's in a human universe that is not Equestria Girls and spike is a human. Exept before her freshman year in high-school (9th grade) Rainbow Dash gets a really bad feaver that causes her to go completely deaf. But she still has musul memory and was a great singer comparable to the sirens so she can still do it she just can't hear what she's saying so desideds simply not to talk unless she's positive she's alone.

But the thing is, she meets Sorin Skys and his friends Fancy Pants, Cheese Sandwich, Spike, Discord, Flash Century, and an original character, Jumpy Hays. And they save her from the lonely scilent world she's trapped in and I think I gave to many spoilers.

Anyway please please comment and tell me if you'd be interested in reading it cause it's really interesting and is one reason I haven't been writing in this as often....... cause I'd rather write in that one.

Ok. So please comment and tell me what you think. Stay cool and always wear your seat belt.

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