Chapter 3- Lets get out

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Riley's POV-

I lean against the ropes shaking. The pain and shock my body is in, overrides my senses. The cold air whipped around me as I shuddered, and blood dropped from somewhere on my head into my eyes. I sobbed loudly, I couldn't fathom the fact this actually happened. "Lets untie her first" someone said and bent down to my knees. I felt his cold hands fumbling with the rope.

As he finally untied it, my legs started slipping but obviously my body couldn't as it was still tied up. Now I was being held up by the rope around my neck and hands. It started tightening around my neck causing me to thrash my legs around to hold myself up. "Quickly, untie the rope around her neck," someone said probably realising why I was struggling so much. I looked at my Nike black running shoes that had drops of blood on them as they slipped once again. Yet this time I felt two warm arms wrap around my stomach to hold me up as they pressed their body close to mine. "It's okay, you won't get hurt anymore," the voice from next to me calmly whispered.

It felt nice to have warmth engulf me, so I let whoever it was hold me. I then felt some pulling of the rope at my neck. "No, No, No! Stop, please don't strangle me! Please" I sobbed as it kept tightening. They're probably here to finish killing me, they're tightening the ropes around my neck to strangle me slowly and painfully. "Shushhh... we're trying to untie it. We won't hurt you, I promise" the person holding me kindly reminded me. He had a deep voice with a calming tone, something about his voice brought a slight bit of security to my life.

After thinking about it, I realise now what they were doing and why it was tightening every so often. I heard someone sigh as the rope fell from around my neck. But the lack of support made my head drop forward and a horrifying pain shot through my back, neck and head. "Woahh," the guy said and slowly raised my head against his shoulder. The strong smell of mans cologne hit my senses as the man pulled me as close as possible, so I was hardly having to hold myself.

My body shook with the little weight it was holding as I tried to breathe normally. My breath kept getting caught up with my sobs and groans of extreme pain. "Okay Colby, we are going to untie her hands so be ready to catch her," a girl said who I hadn't heard speak before. "Okay, Sam, do it," the person holding me, who must be Colby, said to the man behind me.

"Jeez," Sam said quickly. "Her hands have blood dripping down from the rope and are badly bruised," another guy said. I could feel the scratchy rope digging into my already open cuts. "Ow, please stop," I begged, too tired for more pain. "I'm sorry, we gotta untie you," the person holding me whispered. "Okay.. 3,2,1.." Sam counted down and I heard a snapping sound. I completely fell limp onto the guy who was holding me. "Colby! Colby! Sit down," someone franticly instructed. I felt Colby slide down the tree with his legs out, my head was placed in his lap as everyone stared down at me. I cried loudly from my bodies sudden movement. Every inch of my skin and muscles felt on fire. I stared at the sky dazed, no way would I survive this. Blood still dripped from my head somewhere, it mixed with the tears on my bruised cheeks. The guy who was holding me supported my head while calmingly stroking my hair, but I could tell he was scared to hurt me.

"What do we do?" A man exclaimed who I still don't know the name of. I cried loudly as my head started throbbing intensely. I brought my hand up to feel where the impact was made, but my wrist ached and Colby gently pushed my arm down to stop me. "We gotta get her to a hospital, Like now!" The girl franticly said. "She's shaking like crazy, I'm going to put my jumper on her, can someone lift her up a bit?" Colby asked. "Yep, Corey you do that, Amanda get a blanket and try to stop the bleeding as much as possible, Sam get the water bottle and hold it where the guy hit her in the head, Colby keep her awake and I'll go to the car and start it. You guys good to bring her? I'll google map the nearest hospital," a guy said.

"Alright, Elton call us if anything happens" Sam said while shuffling around in a bag near me. "Will do," Elton replied as I heard him start jogging in the opposite direction. Suddenly an intense pain shot through me as I felt my upper body being lifted up. It only took a few seconds until someone held my bloody and bruised arms up in the air. It burns and throbbed excruciatingly so I made a muffled/screaming/sobbing sound. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry," the girl repeated as she held my arms lightly. Colby gently pulled his grey jumper over my head and struggled to get my arms through them. I muffled sobs as I cried against Colby's chest, he was warm which helped my body temperature get a bit more normal.

I winced in continuous pain as a wave of dizziness and nausea flooded over me. My ears felt blocked as all sound around me decreased into complete silence. Stars flew around in front of my eyes as I stared up at the night sky. I felt like Colby was a million miles away and I was just by myself in contentment. The pain felt numb as my body eased. I slowly fell limp in Colby's arms, but he caught my head against his shoulder.

"No, no! We're losing her," He frantically stared.

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