Just a random update. no there's no time to write a chapter deal with it.

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Thanks for the 1/2 k Views aka 500 and then the 50 votes. What even are the votes for? What purpose do the serve

I'm coming up with too many story ideas but I haven't started any...  So I just finished reading an Omegaverse AU outline by @Eli_Winters Now I'm severely tempted to write one so here we are. I actually had the idea this morning at like 3 AM and I think I'm going to make the cover myself this time. 

The video above is pretty good. Found it while going through google for reference photos. Yeah. Somehow this came up.

I may try to watch Attack on Titan again. I got PTAD from it last time I did. Don't judge me. It was like 4 in the morning. I was tired. But I've grown a pretty grudging tolerance to blood in anime so I think I should be ok...

Finished at about 2 AM but I fell asleep at about 3 and then started uploading it at like 4. 4 Hours of work was put into this... The conversion over to a supported file was a little choppy but it got the job done. Sorry if it glitches a little...

I was watching this like all day. I noticed there were some pretty well-timed things that I SWEAR I DIDN'T PLAN like the dance off part, welcome to the madness, yurio and otabek talking. that stuff.

I'll wait for an eternity | Yuri on Ice [ editing ]Where stories live. Discover now